- [4-1]
- Abe, T. and Saito, H., "Bayesian forecasting with multiple state space model," ITC11, 3.4B-4-1-7, (1985).
- [4-2]
- Abe T. and Saito, H., "Traffic forecasting using a state space model," IFOR 87, pp. 745-758 (1988).
- [4-3]
- Saito, Hiroshi, "Optimal control of variable rate coding with incomplete observation in integrated data/voice packet networks," 13th international mathematical programming symposium, (1988).
- [4-4]
- Kawarasaki, M., Saito, H. and Yamada, H., "An analysis of statistical multiplexing in an ATM transport network," ICC90, (1990).
- [4-5]
- Kawashima, K. and Saito, H., "Teletraffic issues in ATM networks," ITC specialist seminar, 17.5.1-8 (1989).
- [4-6]
- Saito, Hiroshi, "Queueing analysis of cell loss probability control in ATM networks," ITC 13 (1991).
- [4-7]
- Saito, Hiroshi, "New dimensioning concept for ATM networks," ITC Seminar (1990).
- [4-8]
- Brochin, F., Saito, H., and Yamada, H., "In search of the economical and technical optimum: a dimensioning study of the ATM networks," Networks 92, Kobe (1992).
- [4-9]
- Saito, H., "Hybrid connection admission control in ATM networks," ICC92, Chicago (1992).
- [4-10]
- Saito, H., "CDV and bandwidth management in ATM networks," MICC93, Kuala Lumpur (1993).
- [4-11]
- Chaki, S., Saito, H., Miyake, K. and Ohnishi, H., "ATM network for high-speed data communication," SICON/ICIE93, Singapore (1993).
- [4-12]
- Saito, H. and Kawashima, K., "An approach to resource management in Advanced Intelligent Networks and its application to mobile communication services," ITC Specialist seminar, Genova (1992).
- [4-13]
- Aida, M. and Saito, H., "Traffic contract parameters and CAC guaranteeing cell loss ratio in ATM networks," 1993 Asia-Pacific symposium in information and telecommunication technologies (APSITT93) (1993).
- [4-14]
- Saito, H., "Simplified Dynamic Connection Admission Control in ATM Networks," ICCCN94.
- [4-15]
- Saito, H., "Resource Management for Usage-Sensitive Charging," ITC14.
- [4-16]
- Saito, H., Kawamura, N., "A VP bandwidth management with dynamic CAC in ATM networks," International Conference on Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems LAN & MAN (1994).
- [4-17]
- Shioda, S. and Saito, H., "Satisfying QOS standard with combined strategy for CAC and UPC," ICC'95.
- [4-18]
- Tsuchiya, T. and Saito, H., "The worst case cell arrival patterns that conform to the GCRA in ATM networks," GLOBECOM'95
- [4-19]
- Saito, H., "Adaptive CACs Using Bayesian Performance Estimation," ICCCN'95
- [4-20]
- Sioda, S., Saito, H., Nakagawa, S., and Kato, Y., "Planning and provisioning for ATM networks with dynamical VP bandwidth allocation," Networks 96
- [4-21]
- Yokoi, H., Tsuchiya, T., and Saito, H., "Dynamic Control Schemes for Virtual Path Bandwidth in ATM Networks," IFIP TC6 WG6.4&WG6.3 (1995).
- [4-22]
- Kawamura, Y., Usui, Y., and Saito, H., "Traffi‚ƒ Engineering Support System for ATM Nodes," International Teletraffic Regional Seminar, Bangkok (1995).
- [4-23]
- Saito, H., "Signaling-Free ATM Core Network," Networks 96
- [4-24]
- Nakagawa, S., Kato, Y., Nakai, S., Ogura, K., and Saito, H., "Self-sizing Network Operation Systems in ATM Networks" NOMS'96
- [4-25]
- Saito, H. and Tsuchiya, T., "Upper bound of loss probability for self-similar traffic," ICC'96
- [4-26]
- Saito, H., "Applications of Fast Resource Management," MICC'95
- [4-27]
- Nakagawa, S. and Saito, H., "Performance Evaluation of a TMN based ATM Operation System," IEEE ATM WORKSHOP '95
- [4-28]
- Saito, H., Nakagawa, S., Kato, Y., and Ohta, S., "Engineering and Operation Concept in ATM Networks and its Implementation," MICC'95
- [4-29]
- Saito, H., "Measurement Driven Traffic Technologies in ATM Networks," ITC Specialist Seminar (1995).
- [4-30]
- Saito, H., "ATM traffic issues and state-of-the-art technologies", KAIST 5th Applied Mathematics Workshop (1996.2).
- [4-31]
- Saito, H., "VCI Cache and timeout design for IP over ATM", ICCCN96.
- [4-32]
- Shioda, S. and Saito, H., "Real-time Cell Loss Ratio Estimation and its Applications to ATM Traffic Controls," IEEE INFOCOM'97
- [4-33]
- Ide, I., Yamada, J., Saito, H., and Takenaka, T., "Control and Management of Self-sizing Networks," ITC-SS-96
- [4-34]
- Saito, H., Ishizuka, M., and Kawashima, K., "Available Bit Rate Service: open issues," ITC Seminar 96 (1996) (invited paper).
- [4-35]
- Shioda, S., Toyoizumi, H., Yokoi, H., Tsuchiya, T., and Saito, H., "Self-sizing network: a new network concept based on autonomous VP bandwidth adjustment," ITC'15(1997).
- [4-36]
- Saito, H., "Trails of dynamic bandwidth allocation in ATM networks," IEEE ATM'97 workshop (1997).
- [4-37]
- Saito, H., "Evolution of a Network Consisting of Autnomous Subsystems," Applied Telecommunication Symposium (1998).
- [4-38]
- A. Vidacs, Sz. Malomsoky, and Saito, H., "Real time cell loss ratio estimation for bursty and similar traffic," PMCCN'97 workshop2 (1997).
- [4-39]
- A. Vidacs, Sz. Malomsoky, and Saito, H., "Bandwidth control and its applicability based on queue length monitoring," PMCCN'97 workshop2 (1997).
- [4-40]
- Saito, H., Performance Characteristics of QoS routing in PNNI ATM networks, GLOBEOCOM'97 (1997).
- [4-41]
- Saito, H., "Performance Evaluation and Dimensioning for AAL2 CLAD," INFOCOM '99.
- [4-42]
- Saito, H., "Performance Evaluation of AAL2 Switching Nodes and a Network Using Them," ICC '99.
- [4-43]
- Saito, H., "Bandwidth Management in AAL2 Networks," ITC16 (1999).
- [4-44]
- Saito, H., "Bandwidth Management for AAL2 in UBR VCs," IEEE ATM Workshop '99.
- [4-45]
- Saito, H., Tsuchiya, T., Marosi, G., Horvath, G., Tatai, P. and Asano, S., "Real-time Simulation with Traffic Monitoring Tool," ICCCN '99, Boston.
- [4-46]
- Saito, H., Ohara, H. and Satoh, D., "Development of Real-time Simulator Using Traffic Monitoring," ICC (2000).
- [4-47]
- Saito, H., Tsuchiya, T., Marosi, G., Horvath, G., Tatai, P. and Asano, S., "Real-time Cell Arrival Sequence Estimation and Simulator for IP/ATM Networks," Networking 2000, Paris.
- [4-48]
- S. Asano, J. Matsukata, H. Saito, R. Kawahara, S. Urushidani, "Network engineering based on real-time traffic monitoringfor an Internet backbone network"AISS2000(2000).
- [4-49]
- Saito, H., Csaba lukovszkiCIsatvan MoldovanC"Local optimal proportional diffeneted scheduler for relative differentiated services," ICCCN2000 (2000).
- [4-50]
- Saito, H., "New bandwidth management for AAL2 traffic and its impact on IMT-2000 core network," IEEE Networks 2000, Toronto (2000).
- [4-51]
- Saito, H., Performance issues in sensor networking, the 18th International Teletraffic Congress, Berlin, 2003.
- [4-52]
- Saito, H., Umehira, M. and Tadashi Ito, T., gPROPOSAL OF WIDE AREA UBIQUITOUS NETWORK,h WTC2006, Budapest (2006).
- [4-53]
- Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Saito, Osamu Kagami, Takafumi Fujita and Yosuke Fujino, gConcept and Feasibility Study of Wide Area Ubiquitous Network for Sensors and Actuatorsh, IEEE VTC 2007 Spring, pp.165-169 (2007).
- [4-54]
- Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Saito, Osamu Kagami, Takafumi Fujita and Yosuke Fujino, gDesign and Experiments of Wide Area Wireless Network for Sensors and Actuatorsh, APSITT 2008, Maldives (2008).
- [4-55]
- Hiroshi Saito, and Koichi Takasugi, Recent Developments in Wide Area Ubiquitous Network Research, ISADS 07,21-23 March 2007.
- [4-56]
- Junko Harada, Shigeo Shioda, and Hiroshi Saito, gPath coverage property of randomly deployed sensor networks with finite communication ranges,h ICC 2008, pp. 2221-2227 (2008).
- [4-57]
- Hiroshi Saito, Shigeo Shioda and Junko Harada, gShape and Size Estimation Using Stochastically Deployed Networked Sensors,h IEEE SMC 2008, Singapore (2008).
- [4-58]
- Hiroshi Saito, Shinsuke Shimogawa, Shigeo Shioda and Junko Harada, gShape Estimation Using Networked Binary Sensors,h INFOCOM 2009, (2009).
- [4-59]
- Hiroshi Saito, Yutaka Arakawa, Kei Tano, and Shigeo Shioda, gExperiments on binary sensor networks for estimation of target perimeter and size,h IEEE SECON Workshops 2009 (2009).
- [4-60]
- Hiroshi Saito, gWide Area Ubiquitous Network: Infrastructure for Sensor and Actuator Networking ,h CMOS Emerging Technologies workshop 2010, Whistler, Canada.
- [4-61]
- Hiroshi Saito, Sadaharu Tanaka and Shigeo Shioda, gEstimating Parameters of Non-Convex Target Object Using Networked Binary Sensorsh, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC), Newport Beach, California, USA.
- [4-62]
- Hiroshi Saito, New Infrastructure for Sensors and Actuators, u-World2011, Dalian, China, 2011.
- [4-63]
- Hiroshi Saito, Machine-to-Machine Communications as a New Revenue Source of Network Operators, The 15th international Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2012), Taipei, 2012.
- [4-64]
- Hiroshi Saito, Observability and Independence in Distributed Sensing and its Application, 25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC25), Shanghai, China, 2013.
- [4-65]
- Xinjie Guan, Xili Wan, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Hiroshi Saito, An Online Framework for Flow Round Trip Time Measurement, ITC2013, Shanghai, China, 2013.
- [4-66]
- Hiroshi Saito, Geometric Evaluation of Survivability of Disaster-affected Network with Probabilistic Failure, INFOCOM2014, Toronto, 2014.
- [4-67]
- Hiroshi Saito, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Takeshi Fukumoto, Proposal of Disaster Avoidance Control, Networks 2014, 2014.
- [4-68]
- Hiroshi Saito, How our network avoids disasters, Special Session gDisaster managementh in ITC26, 2014.
- [4-69]
- Y. Ikeda, H. Saito and R. Kawahara, gCell Planning with Macroscopic Diversity: Optimal Cell Deployment and SINR Evaluation under Frequency Scheduling,h IEEE VTC 2014-Spring, May 2014.
- [4-70]
- Hiroshi Saito, Concept and Implementation of gDisaster-free Networkh, Keynote speech, DRCN2015, Kansas City, 2015.
- [4-71]
- Y. Ikeda, R. Kawahara and H. Saito, gHomology-based Metaheuristics for Cell Planning with Macroscopic Diversity using Sector Antennas,h IEEE ICC 2015, June 2015.
- [4-72]
- Phuong Nga Tran and Hiroshi Saito, Disaster Avoidance Control against Tsunami, ITC28, September 2016.
- [4-73]
- Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Saito, Hirotada Honda, and Ryoichi Kawahara, Modeling Urban ITS Communication via a Stochastic Geometry Approach, VTC fall, Montreal, 2016.
- [4-74]
- Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Theoretical Interference Analysis of Inter-vehicular Communication at Intersection with Power Control, MSWiM'16, Malta, November 13-17, 2016.
- [4-75]
- Hiroshi Saito, Hirotada Honda, and Ryoichi Kawahara, Disaster Avoidance Control against Heavy Rainfall, INFOCOM, Atlanta, USA, 2017.
- [4-76]
- Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Optimal Transmission Range for V2I Communications on Congested Highways, PIMRC, Montreal, 2017.
- [4-77]
- Hiroshi Saito, Theoretical Analysis of Handover and Dynamic Cell Reconfiguration through Monitored Vehicular Speed, PIMRC, Montreal, 2017.
- [4-78]
- Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Temporal Correlation of Interference Under Spatially Correlated Shadowing, Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN), 2018.
- [4-79]
- Hiroshi Saito and Hiroki Ikeuchi, Estimating Shape of Target Object Moving on Unknown Trajectory by Using Location-Unknown Distance Sensors: Theoretical Framework, IEEE International Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan, 2018.
- [4-80]
- Hiroki Ikeuchi and Hiroshi Saito, Shape Estimation Using Location-Unknown Distance Sensors: A Curvature Based Approach, 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems 2019 (DCOSS19).
- [4-81]
- Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Theoretical Performance Analysis of Vehicular Broadcast Communications at Intersection and Their Optimization, ITC31, Budapest, 2019.
- [4-82]
- Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Saito, and Kotaro Matsuda, UAV Surveillance Optimization for Networks in Disaster-Stricken Areas, DRCN 2021.
- [4-83]
- Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Saito, and Kotaro Matsuda, Network Tomography based on Adaptive Measurements in Probabilistic Routing, INFOCOM 2022.
- [4-84]
- Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Saito, and Kotaro Matsuda, Optimal Partial Observation for Estimating Network Connectivity, American Control Conference, 2022.