Abe, T. and Saito, H., "Bayesian forecasting with multiple state space model," ITC11, 3.4B-4-1-7, (1985).
Abe T. and Saito, H., "Traffic forecasting using a state space model," IFOR 87, pp. 745-758 (1988).
Saito, Hiroshi, "Optimal control of variable rate coding with incomplete observation in integrated data/voice packet networks," 13th international mathematical programming symposium, (1988).
Kawarasaki, M., Saito, H. and Yamada, H., "An analysis of statistical multiplexing in an ATM transport network," ICC90, (1990).
Kawashima, K. and Saito, H., "Teletraffic issues in ATM networks," ITC specialist seminar, 17.5.1-8 (1989).
Saito, Hiroshi, "Queueing analysis of cell loss probability control in ATM networks," ITC 13 (1991).
Saito, Hiroshi, "New dimensioning concept for ATM networks," ITC Seminar (1990).
Brochin, F., Saito, H., and Yamada, H., "In search of the economical and technical optimum: a dimensioning study of the ATM networks," Networks 92, Kobe (1992).
Saito, H., "Hybrid connection admission control in ATM networks," ICC92, Chicago (1992).
Saito, H., "CDV and bandwidth management in ATM networks," MICC93, Kuala Lumpur (1993).
Chaki, S., Saito, H., Miyake, K. and Ohnishi, H., "ATM network for high-speed data communication," SICON/ICIE93, Singapore (1993).
Saito, H. and Kawashima, K., "An approach to resource management in Advanced Intelligent Networks and its application to mobile communication services," ITC Specialist seminar, Genova (1992).
Aida, M. and Saito, H., "Traffic contract parameters and CAC guaranteeing cell loss ratio in ATM networks," 1993 Asia-Pacific symposium in information and telecommunication technologies (APSITT93) (1993).
Saito, H., "Simplified Dynamic Connection Admission Control in ATM Networks," ICCCN94.
Saito, H., "Resource Management for Usage-Sensitive Charging," ITC14.
Saito, H., Kawamura, N., "A VP bandwidth management with dynamic CAC in ATM networks," International Conference on Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems LAN & MAN (1994).
Shioda, S. and Saito, H., "Satisfying QOS standard with combined strategy for CAC and UPC," ICC'95.
Tsuchiya, T. and Saito, H., "The worst case cell arrival patterns that conform to the GCRA in ATM networks," GLOBECOM'95
Saito, H., "Adaptive CACs Using Bayesian Performance Estimation," ICCCN'95
Sioda, S., Saito, H., Nakagawa, S., and Kato, Y., "Planning and provisioning for ATM networks with dynamical VP bandwidth allocation," Networks 96
Yokoi, H., Tsuchiya, T., and Saito, H., "Dynamic Control Schemes for Virtual Path Bandwidth in ATM Networks," IFIP TC6 WG6.4&WG6.3 (1995).
Kawamura, Y., Usui, Y., and Saito, H., "Traffi‚ƒ Engineering Support System for ATM Nodes," International Teletraffic Regional Seminar, Bangkok (1995).
Saito, H., "Signaling-Free ATM Core Network," Networks 96
Nakagawa, S., Kato, Y., Nakai, S., Ogura, K., and Saito, H., "Self-sizing Network Operation Systems in ATM Networks" NOMS'96
Saito, H. and Tsuchiya, T., "Upper bound of loss probability for self-similar traffic," ICC'96
Saito, H., "Applications of Fast Resource Management," MICC'95
Nakagawa, S. and Saito, H., "Performance Evaluation of a TMN based ATM Operation System," IEEE ATM WORKSHOP '95
Saito, H., Nakagawa, S., Kato, Y., and Ohta, S., "Engineering and Operation Concept in ATM Networks and its Implementation," MICC'95
Saito, H., "Measurement Driven Traffic Technologies in ATM Networks," ITC Specialist Seminar (1995).
Saito, H., "ATM traffic issues and state-of-the-art technologies", KAIST 5th Applied Mathematics Workshop (1996.2).
Saito, H., "VCI Cache and timeout design for IP over ATM", ICCCN96.
Shioda, S. and Saito, H., "Real-time Cell Loss Ratio Estimation and its Applications to ATM Traffic Controls," IEEE INFOCOM'97
Ide, I., Yamada, J., Saito, H., and Takenaka, T., "Control and Management of Self-sizing Networks," ITC-SS-96
Saito, H., Ishizuka, M., and Kawashima, K., "Available Bit Rate Service: open issues," ITC Seminar 96 (1996) (invited paper).
Shioda, S., Toyoizumi, H., Yokoi, H., Tsuchiya, T., and Saito, H., "Self-sizing network: a new network concept based on autonomous VP bandwidth adjustment," ITC'15(1997).
Saito, H., "Trails of dynamic bandwidth allocation in ATM networks," IEEE ATM'97 workshop (1997).
Saito, H., "Evolution of a Network Consisting of Autnomous Subsystems," Applied Telecommunication Symposium (1998).
A. Vidacs, Sz. Malomsoky, and Saito, H., "Real time cell loss ratio estimation for bursty and similar traffic," PMCCN'97 workshop2 (1997).
A. Vidacs, Sz. Malomsoky, and Saito, H., "Bandwidth control and its applicability based on queue length monitoring," PMCCN'97 workshop2 (1997).
Saito, H., Performance Characteristics of QoS routing in PNNI ATM networks, GLOBEOCOM'97 (1997).
Saito, H., "Performance Evaluation and Dimensioning for AAL2 CLAD," INFOCOM '99.
Saito, H., "Performance Evaluation of AAL2 Switching Nodes and a Network Using Them," ICC '99.
Saito, H., "Bandwidth Management in AAL2 Networks," ITC16 (1999).
Saito, H., "Bandwidth Management for AAL2 in UBR VCs," IEEE ATM Workshop '99.
Saito, H., Tsuchiya, T., Marosi, G., Horvath, G., Tatai, P. and Asano, S., "Real-time Simulation with Traffic Monitoring Tool," ICCCN '99, Boston.
Saito, H., Ohara, H. and Satoh, D., "Development of Real-time Simulator Using Traffic Monitoring," ICC (2000).
Saito, H., Tsuchiya, T., Marosi, G., Horvath, G., Tatai, P. and Asano, S., "Real-time Cell Arrival Sequence Estimation and Simulator for IP/ATM Networks," Networking 2000, Paris.
S. Asano, J. Matsukata, H. Saito, R. Kawahara, S. Urushidani, "Network engineering based on real-time traffic monitoringfor an Internet backbone network"AISS2000(2000).
Saito, H., Csaba lukovszkiCIsatvan MoldovanC"Local optimal proportional diffeneted scheduler for relative differentiated services," ICCCN2000 (2000).
Saito, H., "New bandwidth management for AAL2 traffic and its impact on IMT-2000 core network," IEEE Networks 2000, Toronto (2000).
Saito, H., Performance issues in sensor networking, the 18th International Teletraffic Congress, Berlin, 2003.
Saito, H., Umehira, M. and Tadashi Ito, T., gPROPOSAL OF WIDE AREA UBIQUITOUS NETWORK,h WTC2006, Budapest (2006).
Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Saito, Osamu Kagami, Takafumi Fujita and Yosuke Fujino, gConcept and Feasibility Study of Wide Area Ubiquitous Network for Sensors and Actuatorsh, IEEE VTC 2007 Spring, pp.165-169 (2007).
Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Saito, Osamu Kagami, Takafumi Fujita and Yosuke Fujino, gDesign and Experiments of Wide Area Wireless Network for Sensors and Actuatorsh, APSITT 2008, Maldives (2008).
Hiroshi Saito, and Koichi Takasugi, Recent Developments in Wide Area Ubiquitous Network Research, ISADS 07,21-23 March 2007.
Junko Harada, Shigeo Shioda, and Hiroshi Saito, gPath coverage property of randomly deployed sensor networks with finite communication ranges,h ICC 2008, pp. 2221-2227 (2008).
Hiroshi Saito, Shigeo Shioda and Junko Harada, gShape and Size Estimation Using Stochastically Deployed Networked Sensors,h IEEE SMC 2008, Singapore (2008).
Hiroshi Saito, Shinsuke Shimogawa, Shigeo Shioda and Junko Harada, gShape Estimation Using Networked Binary Sensors,h INFOCOM 2009, (2009).
Hiroshi Saito, Yutaka Arakawa, Kei Tano, and Shigeo Shioda, gExperiments on binary sensor networks for estimation of target perimeter and size,h IEEE SECON Workshops 2009 (2009).
Hiroshi Saito, gWide Area Ubiquitous Network: Infrastructure for Sensor and Actuator Networking ,h CMOS Emerging Technologies workshop 2010, Whistler, Canada.
Hiroshi Saito, Sadaharu Tanaka and Shigeo Shioda, gEstimating Parameters of Non-Convex Target Object Using Networked Binary Sensorsh, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC), Newport Beach, California, USA.
Hiroshi Saito, New Infrastructure for Sensors and Actuators, u-World2011, Dalian, China, 2011.
Hiroshi Saito, Machine-to-Machine Communications as a New Revenue Source of Network Operators, The 15th international Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2012), Taipei, 2012.
Hiroshi Saito, Observability and Independence in Distributed Sensing and its Application, 25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC25), Shanghai, China, 2013.
Xinjie Guan, Xili Wan, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Hiroshi Saito, An Online Framework for Flow Round Trip Time Measurement, ITC2013, Shanghai, China, 2013.
Hiroshi Saito, Geometric Evaluation of Survivability of Disaster-affected Network with Probabilistic Failure, INFOCOM2014, Toronto, 2014.
Hiroshi Saito, Ryoichi Kawahara, and Takeshi Fukumoto, Proposal of Disaster Avoidance Control, Networks 2014, 2014.
Hiroshi Saito, How our network avoids disasters, Special Session gDisaster managementh in ITC26, 2014.
Y. Ikeda, H. Saito and R. Kawahara, gCell Planning with Macroscopic Diversity: Optimal Cell Deployment and SINR Evaluation under Frequency Scheduling,h IEEE VTC 2014-Spring, May 2014.
Hiroshi Saito, Concept and Implementation of gDisaster-free Networkh, Keynote speech, DRCN2015, Kansas City, 2015.
Y. Ikeda, R. Kawahara and H. Saito, gHomology-based Metaheuristics for Cell Planning with Macroscopic Diversity using Sector Antennas,h IEEE ICC 2015, June 2015.
Phuong Nga Tran and Hiroshi Saito, Disaster Avoidance Control against Tsunami, ITC28, September 2016.
Tatsuaki Kimura, Hiroshi Saito, Hirotada Honda, and Ryoichi Kawahara, Modeling Urban ITS Communication via a Stochastic Geometry Approach, VTC fall, Montreal, 2016.
Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Theoretical Interference Analysis of Inter-vehicular Communication at Intersection with Power Control, MSWiM'16, Malta, November 13-17, 2016.
Hiroshi Saito, Hirotada Honda, and Ryoichi Kawahara, Disaster Avoidance Control against Heavy Rainfall, INFOCOM, Atlanta, USA, 2017.
Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Optimal Transmission Range for V2I Communications on Congested Highways, PIMRC, Montreal, 2017.
Hiroshi Saito, Theoretical Analysis of Handover and Dynamic Cell Reconfiguration through Monitored Vehicular Speed, PIMRC, Montreal, 2017.
Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Temporal Correlation of Interference Under Spatially Correlated Shadowing, Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SpaSWiN), 2018.
Hiroshi Saito and Hiroki Ikeuchi, Estimating Shape of Target Object Moving on Unknown Trajectory by Using Location-Unknown Distance Sensors: Theoretical Framework, IEEE International Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan, 2018.
Hiroki Ikeuchi and Hiroshi Saito, Shape Estimation Using Location-Unknown Distance Sensors: A Curvature Based Approach, 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems 2019 (DCOSS19).
Tatsuaki Kimura and Hiroshi Saito, Theoretical Performance Analysis of Vehicular Broadcast Communications at Intersection and Their Optimization, ITC31, Budapest, 2019.
Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Saito, and Kotaro Matsuda, UAV Surveillance Optimization for Networks in Disaster-Stricken Areas, DRCN 2021.
Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Saito, and Kotaro Matsuda, Network Tomography based on Adaptive Measurements in Probabilistic Routing, INFOCOM 2022.
Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Saito, and Kotaro Matsuda, Optimal Partial Observation for Estimating Network Connectivity, American Control Conference, 2022.

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