16 細胞内移行型の蛍光性温度センサーを利用した動物細胞の
温度イメージングです 詳細
A cell-permeable fluorescent polymeric thermometer for intracellular temperature mapping in mammalian cell lines
Teruyuki Hayashi, Nanaho Fukuda, Seiichi Uchiyama, Noriko Inada
PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(2), e0117677
■ Abstract
Changes in intracellular temperatures reflect the activity of the cell. Thus, the tool to measure intracellular temperatures could provide valuable information about cellular status. We previously reported a method to analyze the intracellular temperature distribution using a fluorescent polymeric thermometer (FPT) in combination with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). Intracellular delivery of the FPT used in the previous study required microinjection. We now report a novel FPT that is cell permeable and highly photostable, and we describe the application of this FPT to the imaging of intracellular temperature distributions in various types of mammalian cell lines. This cell-permeable FPT displayed a temperature resolution of 0.05°C to 0.54°C within the range from 28°C to 38°C in HeLa cell extracts. Using our optimized protocol, this cell-permeable FPT spontaneously diffused into HeLa cells within 10 min of incubation and exhibited minimal toxicity over several hours of observation. FLIM analysis confirmed a temperature difference between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and heat production near the mitochondria, which were also detected previously using the microinjected FPT. We also showed that this cell-permeable FPT protocol can be applied to other mammalian cell lines, COS7 and NIH/3T3 cells. Thus, this cell-permeable FPT represents a promising tool to study cellular states and functions with respect to temperature.
■ 内容
2013年にAnalytical Chemistry誌に報告した(→詳細ページへ)細胞内移行能型の蛍光性温度センサーを利用し,ほ乳類細胞であるHeLa, COS7, NIH/3T3細胞に対する温度イメージング法を確立しました.蛍光性温度センサーは前報に用いたものと完全に同一ではなく,蛍光団にベンゾチアジアゾール骨格を使用することで,光褪色耐性を向上させてあります.相変わらず細胞の温度イメージングには蛍光寿命測定装置(FLIM)が必要ですが,細胞内にプローブを導入するためのマイクロインジェクション操作は不要になったので,若干汎用性が高くなりました.論文では複数種の細胞を扱っているので,データシート的な役割を果たす論文でもあります.
■ ひとこと
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