6 蛍光性論理ゲートの総説 詳細
Molecular logic and computing
A. P. de Silva and S. Uchiyama
Nature Nanotechnol., 2007, 2, 399-410
■ Abstract
Molecular substrates can be viewed as computational devices that process physical or chemical 'inputs' to generate 'outputs' based on a set of logical operators.
By recognizing this conceptual crossover between chemistry and computation, it can be argued that the success of life itself is founded on a much longer-term revolution in information handling when compared with the modern semiconductor computing industry.
Many of the simpler logic operations can be identified within chemical reactions and phenomena, as well as being produced in specifically designed systems.
Some degree of integration can also be arranged, leading, in some instances, to arithmetic processing.
These molecular logic systems can also lend themselves to convenient reconfiguring.
Their clearest application area is in the life sciences, where their small size is a distinct advantage over conventional semiconductor counterparts.
Molecular logic designs aid chemical (especially intracellular) sensing, small object recognition and intelligent diagnostics.
■ 内容
1993年,Nature 誌上で分子論理ゲートに関する初の報告が行われてから 10年以上が経ちました.
■ ひとこと
意外なきっかけで Nature 系列に初めて論文を載せることになりました.
AP が新しく創刊される Nature Nanotechnology からが総説を依頼されたのですが,その仕事が僕にも廻ってきました.
当然,Nature 子雑誌に論文を載せられたことはうれしいですが,AP が僕を共著者に選んだこともそれ以上にありがたいことでした.←はっきりいって正解です(研究のことならいい仕事しますよ).