For international researchers and students who like to join our research group:

I am very happy that several researchers and students sent me e-mails, in which they were interested in joining my research group. However, unfortunately, my status in the University of Tokyo is still an assistant professor and I can not supervise anybody by rules of the department to which I belong. Therefore, no international students can join my group at this moment.

Similarly, I can not be a host researcher of a JSPS foreign fellowship under their rules. Only one way to join my group is that the posdocs receive a fellowship from their home country which covers at least salary and travel fee. Currently, I can not spend my research fund for a salary to a foreign posdoc. If this situation changes, I will notice it in this website.

I apologize for this unique Japanese-style limitation. I really hope that all the enthusiastic researchers and students will find a nice place to work and show own abilities to the scientific community.

Seiichi Uchiyama, Ph.D.
The University of Tokyo