Saito, H., "Toward a Future Traffic Dimensioning Method: Non-parametric Approach for Cell Loss Rate Evaluation," IEICE, B-I, J76-B-I, 3, pp. 197-208 (1993). (in Japanese). (English translation: A Future Traffic-Dimensioning Method: A Nonparametric Approach for Cell Loss-Rate evaluation," Electronics and communications in Japan, Part1, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 106-119 (1994))
This paper advocates the nonparametric approach and shows its application to asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network dimensioning. The conventional dimensioning procedure, which is used in conventional dedicated and low-speed networks, can cause the following problems in ATM networks and intelligent networks: (1) The need for a complicated arrival process model to describe high burstiness. As a result, elaborate modeling is necessary for each new service, which reduces flexibility in introducing new services. (2) The need for traffic measurement of higher moments of interarrival times. However, traffic measurement mechanisms cannot meet this requirement. (3) It is impossible to verify the arrival process model. The nonparametric approach dispenses with parametric modeling of arrival processes and derives performance measures directly from traffic measurement, thereby resolving the forementioned problems. This approach can be applied when the peak and average cell rates in ATM networks are known and provides an accurate measure of the cell loss rate.

1. Book 2. Paper 3. Letter 4. International conferece