

4. 次の各文の(  )に入る最も適切な語を1つ選び,その番号を丸()で囲みなさい。

(1)       However much it goes against the (   ), we are compelled to concede that their methods may succeed.
1.seed               2. pip               3 grain               4. core

(2)       Professor Wilson had got into the (   ) of his speech and couldn't finish it within his time slot.
1. hang        2. climb        3. round        4. swing

(3)       "What's the matter ?" ---" Well, I (    ) it out with my father about my boyfriend"
1. made        2. had               3. got               4. ran

(4)       He could not spend a pound without a rap over the (    ) from the bank.
1. fingers        2. palm               3. fist               4. knuckles

(5)       My friend Kevin has been promoted to a supervisor, but my job is on the (    ).
1. road        2. line               3. go               4. course

(6)       The popularity of film stars (               ) and wanes for a very short period of time.
1. waxes        2.  guards        3. coats               4. polishes

(7)       Everyone I asked in the social security office gave me the (    ) and I got absolutely fed up.
1.runaway    2. runabout        3. runaround    4. run back

(8)       Ronald was embarrassed because his parents made a nasty (        ) in public.
1.view        2. sight               3. scene        4. outlook