


For those of us who don't fully grasp global economic complexities, Bangkok is like (ア)an idiot's guide to the tiger economies.  From a hotel balcony high above the city, it looks like a gleaming first-world forest of hi-tech skyscrapers, emblazoned in neon with the names of multi-nationals.  (イ)Down at the street level, the shiny hauteur gives way to an anarchy of dust and rubbish and food stalls and stinking slums ??? but the slums aren't sultry ponds of lifelessness, they're frenzies of industry. It is a bewilderment of enterprise ???clothing sweatshops crammed in next to computer shops, then a jewellery emporium next door to a store selling safes ---and (ウ)the traffic is a judder of congestion and mayhem, steered by drivers in face masks, cheeks smudged with oily pollution. 

