

. 以下の英文を読み,各設問に答えなさい。

Imagine a living, breathing organism still alive after 600 years.  A miniature tree, preciously tended over the centuries by a succession of owners, for whom more beauty was to be found in the toad-like calluses of gnarled bark and shrivelled roots, the extended silhouette of twisted branches, the sudden efflorescence of spring buds and their dying autumnal blaze, (   A   ) in all the gold in China.  There was such a tree, or bonsai ---literally “tree in a pot”--- in an auction at Sothebys, last June.  Estimated by the auction house to be worth £40,000-60,000, it failed to reach its reserve price and was bought in by the house for £28,000.  Sothehys has since blamed the current restrictions on importing live flora into Japan and the US, the two largest markets for bonsai in the world, for (イ)the sale result.  In those countries, the experts argue, the same tree would have easily fetched its asking price.  Away from Sotheby's, a small group of bonsai fans arrive for their monthly meeting in the Becorp Social Club, in south-east London.  They come bearing their precious cargo for inspection by the club's master of ceremonies, Mike Paice, a man whose brusqueness fails to mask a genuine passion for all things bonsai.  They are quiet people, individuals whose idea of a good evening's entertainment at the club consists of impressing each other with long (ロ)Latin plant names in between staring long and hard at a l2in-high tree, their concentration broken by the occasional, daring snip at the odd twig here and there.  "Most people are frightened to prune," explains Paice.  (ハ)"It takes confidence. "

(1) 空欄(A)には英語1語が入る。その語を書きなさい.

(2) 下線部()の内容を,日本語で句読点も含め35字以内で具体的に説明しなさい。

(3) 下線部()が具体的に指すものになるように,次の□に漢字二文字を入れなさい.

(4) 下線部内をitが何を指すかはっきりさせて日本語に訳しなさい。
