フロストの冗談 Night Frost編

Together at Last!

It's about the funeral of a woman who's had fifteen kids. Woman who'd had fifteen kids being buried.  As the coffin's being lowered down into the grave, the vicar turns to the husband and says, "Together at last!" The husband says, "What do you mean, together at last? I'm still alive." "I wasn't referring to you," says the vicar. "I meant her legs."'

I was going to put my dick in, Harry



「15人の子どもを産んだ女の葬式のことだ.15人の子どもを産んだが女が埋められている.棺おけがお墓に降ろされるとき,司祭がダンナに向かって言うんだ.『最後にご一緒に』 『どういうことです,最後に,一緒にとは.私はまだ生きていますよ』とダンナ.司祭が言うには,『あなたのことじゃありません.彼女を足のことを言っているんです』だとさ.

I was going to put my dick in, Harry.

Harry pulled the cigarette from his mouth and flicked off the spit from the end. 'You're having me on, Mr Frost!' 'I wish I was,' answered Frost gravely. He took a bite at his hamburger, then pulled it from his mouth. 'Bloody hell!' He snatched the top from his bun and gaped in disbelief. Lying across the onion, drenched in a bloody pool of tomato ketchup, was a severed human finger.

Gilmore shuddered and dropped his on the counter. Harry's face went a greasy white and his head jerked back in horror, rattling the tins on the shelf behind him. 'Christ, Mr Frost! They told me it was good meat. They said it was prime beefsteak ...’

His voice suddenly changed to outrage. 'You bastard!'

The severed finger was wiggling at him and Frost was convulsed with laughter as he pulled it free and wiped off the ketchup.

'It's not funny,' bellowed Harry. 'You nearly gave me a bloody heart attack.'

Frost wiped the tears from his eyes. 'I was going to put my dick in, Harry, but the buns were too small.'

'Bleeding funny!' snarled the man as they walked back to the car, Frost still convulsed at his joke.





Night Frostではあまり,冗談の類がなかったようです.何しろ通常の3分の1ぐらいの人数で,続発する事件に対処するので,元気な警官はみんな勤務につかされるような状態で,慢性睡眠不足でした.