フロストの冗談 もっと冗談→


* He had to work everything out with a pencil and a piece of paper.

"Sorry I'm late Inspector," he apologized.
"Flaming hell, Arthur," said Frost. "You always come out of the toilet looking as if you've just gone twelve rounds with Mike Tyson. Which reminds me . . . did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He had to work everything out with a pencil and a piece of paper." A roar of aughter, the loudest coming from Frost himself, who then almost choked on a lump of sausage sandwich.

* She's turning it into a knocking shop.

Spluttering with indignation, Wells buttonholed Frost as he came out of the Murder Incident Room and poured out his moans about Liz Maud. "In Allen's office-and with the red light on." "Perhaps she's turning it into a knocking shop," suggested Frost. But Wells was too angry for jokes.

* Got any pieces for the cat, Doc

At the far end of the darkened autopsy room, under the splash of overhead lights, a cluster of men stood at a discreet distance from the postmortem table where a green-gowned Drysdale was bent over, cutting carefully with a scalpel. The atmosphere was oppressive; it worsened rapidly when the pathologist opened up the dead man's stomach. Overhead the extractor fans whirred, fighting a losing battle. Drysdale's gloved hands removed something from the corpse. "Got any pieces for the cat, Doc?" Drysdale stiffened. That damn Frost again, making his tasteless jokes. He affected not to hear and carried on with his task.

*"She can breast-feed me any time she likes!"

Frost had imagined the nanny to be a grey-haired little old lady in a nurse's uniform, reeking of wintergreen. He was pleasantly surprised when a strapping Swedish blonde in her late teens came in carrying the sleeping child wrapped in a blanket.
"Flaming hell " he whispered to Liz. "She can breast-feed me any time she likes!"
Liz pretended not to hear and hoped the family hadn't heard either. Frost had a genius for tasteless jokes at the wrong time.

* Four down ---'Little Richard that ladies love big'--that must be Dick'

He wiped the front of his jacket where the melted butter from the sandwich had dripped, then wandered over to the table where Liz was doing her crossword puzzle. He leant over her and pretended to read a clue. "Four down---'Little Richard that ladies love big'?---that must be Dick"' She found herself looking at four down before she realized it was another of his childish jokes. Too tired even to fake a laugh, she knuckled her eyes and took another sip from her mug of black coffee.

work everything out 「何でも〜で出すんだ/解くんだ」

「おまえさんがトイレから出てくるときは,マイク・タイソンと12ラウンド戦ったような顔をしてるぞ.それで思い出したんだが,便秘に数学者の話を聞いたことがあるか?彼は問題だけでなく,なんでもかんでも紙と鉛筆で穿り出さなけりゃならなかったんだ.」(うまく訳せませんが,work everything outは「数学者」の文脈なら,「問題を解く」ということですが,便秘となれば,「モノをなんとか出す」という意味にも取れそうです.


Wellsはフロストの部下の巡査.巡査から警部補に昇格したLiz Maudは留守中の警部Allenの部屋を仕事場に使います.それが気に入らないWellsは…





