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         My Passport in AFRICA & Arabian Countries


                11/1995     チュニジア:チュニス、カルタゴ、トズ−ル
                12/1996     モロッコ:マラケシュ、カサブランカ、フェズ、エルラシディア、メルズーガ砂丘
                02/1997     モロッコ:カサブランカ、フェズ、リッサ−ニ、メルズ−ガ砂丘
                02/1998     アラブ首長国連邦:ドバイ、フジャイラ、コ−カファン、アルアイン
                01/2000     エジプト:カイロ、バフレイヤオアシス、ファラフラオアシス、スエズ
                09/2000     モーリタニア:ヌアクショット、ヌアディブ、バンダルガン国立公園
                03/2001     チュニジア、リビア:ガダメス、セバ、フェザン地方、アカクス  *Visage du Sud と同行
                01/2002     チュニジア:ガマルタ、トズ−ル、ドゥーズ、ビゼルト
                03/2002     チュニジア、リビア:ガベス、セバ、ムルズ−ク、ウバリ、ナブール *Tagoulmoust Aventure と同行
                10/2002     マリ:バマコ、モプティ、ドゴン
                03/2003     アルジェリア:エルウ−ド、 ジャネット、タマンラセット、*La Terre d'Origine と同行
                04/2004     ナミビア:ホバス、ノウクルフト、ワルビスベイ、スワコプムンド、ウインドフック
                10/2004     リビア、サブラタ、レテイスマグナ、ナムス、東南砂漠一帯 

                  * Visage du Sud, Tagoulmoust Aventure 、La Terre d'Origine は 砂漠を各自の4WDで参加する10人程度のツァ−を
                   の旅行会社です。 興味のある方は下記へ問い合わせるか、私へメ−ルをお送り下さい。                                                                               

                   La Terre d'Origine:

                Tagoulmoust Aventure:



  It was 10 years ago that I made my first trip toTunisia, without, at that time, having a specific purpose. But as soon as I saw the sunset over the shifting dunes and felt the silence of the desert in Tozeur, I hooked, fascinated by the Sahara's mysterious beauty.

  My intersts in Arabic culture and religion grew. I toured Morocco, Egypt, Mauritania and Libya and met the people who travel the Sahara. I saw that their nomadic way of life had given them a deep understanding of isolation. I understood what American author, Paul Bowles, had meant when he described the " baptism of solitude" he experienced in his stay in the desert and I empathised with that feeling. How was it I kept coming back to the Sahara and not to other seas of sand ?

  The Sahara desert had impressed itself indelibly upon my mind, as did the resonating sound of morning and evening prayers from the minarats in the desert towns. I imagined caravans crossing the Sahara, following the preperous trade routes. I feel a great peace of mind when I'm in the Sahara and whenver I think of it.

  Since my childhood, I've been interested in painting pictures with watercolors and oils. Whenever I take a picture, I imagine a painting through the lens. It's like working with pastels. The pastels of the desert always change with the sunlight and the feminine forms of the dunes alter shape with the wind. I discovered the pleasure of photography in the beautiful dunes in the Sahara;a world without greenery, noise or pretension.


      11/1995       Tunisia: Tunis,Carthage,Tozeur
      12/1996       Morocco: Marrakech, Casablanca, Fes, El-Rachidia,Merzouga
      02/1997       Morocco: Casablanca,Fes,Rissani,Merzouga,
      02/1998       U.A.E.: Dubai,Fujaira,Korkafan,Al-Ain
       Egypt: Cairo,Bahariya Oasis, Farafra Oasis,Suez
      09/2000       Mauritania: Nouakchott, Nouadhibopu, Banc d'arguin National Park
      03/2001       Tuhnisia,Libya: Ghadames,Sebha,Fezzan, Akakus  *with "Visage du Sud "
      01/2002       Tunisia: Gamerthe,Tozeur,Douze,Bizert
      03/2002       Tunisia,Libya: Gabes,Sebha,Mourzouk,Oubari,Nabour  *with " Tagoulmoust Aventure "
      10/2002       Mali: Bamako,Mopti,Dogon country
      03/2003       Algeria: El Oued, Djanet, Tamanrasset, * with " La Terre d'Origine "     
      04/2004       Namibia: Hobas, Fish River Canyon, Naukluftkluft, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Windhoek
                   Victoria Falls, Cape of Good Hope

      10/2004       Libya: Toripoli, Sabratha, LeptisMagna, Namus...

                 * " Visage du Sud ", " Tagoulmoust Aventure " , " La Terre d'Origine "are the travel Agency for the Sahara                       desert.

                   La Terre d'Origine:

                   Tagoulmoust Aventure: