2001年度 通訳案内業国家試験第1次試験

1番   2番   3番   4番   5番   6番

1. 次の英文を読んで後の問いに答えなさい。

Common sense says that riding your bike after you've had a few drinks is not a good idea.  Even one drink dilutes the skills and judgement needed for safe cycling.  Just one drink, according to a study, multiplies the risk of serious injury or death six times, and four or five multiplies it 20 times.

But common sense is (  A  ) the watchword for many cyclists.  Each year in the U. S. , more than 500,000 people are treated in emergency rooms and 20,000 are admitted to hospitals for bicycle related injuries.  And while helmets and parental supervision have helped lower the death rate for riders under age 16 ( B ) 70 percent since 1975, the adult death rate has risen ( B ) 60 percent.  @Ridership has more than doubled in the last 20 years, but alcohol, reckless riding, and poor safety gear also contribute.

ANo amount of caution will eliminate all cycling accidents.  " If you ride long enough, you will eventually crash," says Randy Swart, director of the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute in Arlington, Va.  "( C ) it takes is a pothole, some loose gravel, or someone's dog running under your wheel. " Accidents like these generally result ( D ) scrapes and bruises. Roughly 800 bikers die each year on the roads, however, usually when they tangle with cars.

Swart and others say that riders can minimize the risks hot many don't ( E ).  Studies show that riders wearing helmets are 85 percent less likely to incur a head injury than riders without them, yet only 38 percent of adult cyclists wear one regularly, according to BEISI.  But Swart cautions that helmets won't guarantee safety.  " Avoiding the crash in the first place is a lot more preventive than wearing a helmet. "

Night riding is especially dangerous because you're harder to see.  About 56 percent of bike fatalities occur between 7 p.m.  and 6 a.m.  Michael Klasmeir, Program Director for the League of American Bicyclists, says night cyclists should wear bright, neon-colored clothes and use lights.  You should have a white front light and a red or amber taillight," he says.  "And there's nothing wrong with strapping some lights or reflective tape to your clothes. " But if Ahappy hour is your destination, the best bet is to leave your bike at home.

(1)空欄( A )( B )( D )に適切な英語の単語をそれぞれひとつ入れなさい。(3x3)

(2) 空欄 ( C )にはいる適切な語の記号を選んで丸で囲みなさい。(2)

   Although         Because         Not           An

(3)空欄( E )にはいる適切な語の記号を選んで丸で囲みなさい。(2)

   bother     drink     show     ride





Taxes are a complex subject in any country.  (1)For expatriates, especially Americans, taxation is further complicated by the possibility of double-taxation obligations: to the country in which you are a resident and derive income and, depending on your citizenship, the tax authorities hack home.

The United States is one of the very few countries that tax its citizens and permanent residents (Green Card holders), regardless of where they live, on income earned both domestically and overseas.  Accordingly, even living overseas, you are obliged to file a U. S.  Internal Revenue Service (IRS) return, no matter if you work for a U. S.  or non-U. S.  company and if you are paid in dollars, yen, or any other currency.  (2)You must report as income any payment made by your company on your behalf for rent: utilities, home leave, and any other benefits.

A non-Japanese friend of yours says he is wondering if he should seek medical help.  Give advice to him on the Japanese medical system and avoiding possible problems be may encounter.  In your answer, translate and use the expression
「国民保険」Do not write any part of your answer outside the space given below.  (10)


(1)成人の日              (2)自営業者    (3)児童虐待   (4)ブランコ    (5)                       

(6)万歩計              (7)火災避難訓練              (8)三回忌       (9)水虫                         (10)国土交通省






The statistics cannot be ignored any more; the flooding in Venice is getting worse, largely due to climate change. In the first decade of the 20th century, St Mark's Square, the lowest lying part of Venice, was flooded an average of nine times a year.  Now, since September alone, there have been over 10 tides of more than 80cm.  Some of the consequences of the flooding are obvious: the tidemarks in shops and bars.  The long-term damage to foundations is less obvious, nor can you tell at once how many people have decided that (1)( A ) is ( A ), and they would rather go and live on the mainland now.  We do know, however, that the population of Venice was 150,000 in the 1950s and is now 64,000.  This leads to a vicious circle of fewer schools, doctors, real shops" (as opposed to ones selling souvenirs); more expensive food, goods and services, and so on.

(2)Roberto Frassetto, one of Italy's leading oceanographers, is part of the team appointed by the government to devise a flood protection system, and he believes that their scheme for mobile barriers is the solution.  When the meteorologists give the warning, compressed air forces the water out of the mobile harriers attached to the seabed at the entrances from the Adriatic to the canals, and they rise to hold back the sea.  When the tide subsides, water is pumped in and they descend onto the seabed once more.  Ecologists, and in particular, the Green activists, are opposed to these barriers. They say that closing the barriers would allow pollution to build up dangerously in the canals.  Oceanographers such as Frassetto claim that the barriers would need to be closed only 100~3t)0 hours a year.  Furthermore, world climate systems have changed, and (3)there is no chance of a diminution in the frequency and intensity of atmospheric perturbation. But the Greens are part of the fragile centre-left coalitions at national and city levels, and for them this is a matter that can bring down governments.

1. ある同一の英語1語を. 空欄Aに入れると. 下線部(1)は「もううんざりだ」という慣用表現になる。そのAに入る英語1語を書きなさい. (3) 

2. 下線部Aの人に関して,以下の(@)と(A)の問いに答えなさい。

(@)この人の職業は何か. 漢字4文字で答えなさい. (2)

(A) この人が提唱する洪水対策法を,40字以内の日本語で分かりやすく説明しなさい。(句読点も字数に含む。)(8)

3. 下線部(3)はどういうことを言っているのか。40字以内の分かりやすい目木語に訳しなさい。(句読点も字数に含む。)  (7)