Wind, Sand and Stars
                    by Antoine de Saint-Exupery


を注文しようとしたところ,おなじみ「〜を注文した人は…」で提示された本.Saint-Exuperyと言えば「星の王子様」,高校時代そのついでに「夜間飛行」を読み始めましたが,挫折した経験あり.しかし,テーマが同じならと気軽にクリック.これが「人間の土地」の原書だとわかったのはずいぶんしてから.物語ではなく,各章独立したSaint-ExuperyWind, Sand, Starsに関わる思索だとわかったのは2章を過ぎた頃から.そして,この本の面白さがわかり始めたのは7章のAt the heart of the Desertから.それまでは,なんか文字を目で追うだけ状態.それはフランス語から英語への翻訳のせいか,Saint-Exuperyの思索に私の思考が追い使いないためか.ミステリーばっかり読んでいて,理解力が欠如しているせいか…しかし,7章は壮絶.なんの肉体的な苦痛にさらされない私としては,大変新鮮でした.


under the cloak of …


cobble together



stevedore / hobnailed boots

not so much … as


humble vs. modest

under the cloak of …「…に隠れて」



And how could I forget that as I lay buried in sand up to my neck, with thirst slowly slitting my throat, I felt such warmth in my heart under my cloak of stars?(首まで砂に埋もれて,渇きがゆっくりとのどを切り刻むなか,心では星に覆われて,そのような暖かさを感じたことをどうして忘れられようか)


How can we give such a sense of deliverance its full value within us?


cf. It was a deliverance my father had hoped for, and perhaps even believed to be possible. (CHATHAM SCHOOL AFFAIR, Thomas H. Cook)


cobble together「やっつけ仕事で仕上げる」

If a particular religion, culture, scale of values and pattern of activities encourage that sense of fulfilment in man, liberating within him a lord who was oblivious to his own sovereignty, then that culture, that scale of values and those activities are the truth of man. And logic? Let it cobble together what explanation it can for life. All through this book I have held up as models some of those who seem to me to have obeyed a sovereign vocation, who chose the desert or the airline as others would have chosen the monastery; but I have betrayed my purpose if I have aroused principally in you an admiration for men themselves.

あらためて読みかえてしてみても難しい英文です。結局ほとんど理解せずに文字を目で追っていただけのようです。that sense of fulfilment「あの成就感」というのは,たとえばオレンジの木が根をはり実をつけたときの成就感,という前の部分を受けています。「人間において,特定の宗教,文化,価値観,行動規範が,内面に潜む主(本当の自分)を開放して,そうした成就感を奨励すれば,その文化なり,価値基準なり,活動がその人の真実となるだろう。→何らかの価値観で自己の内面を開放すれば,それが本当の自分の姿だ(?)」それでは論理はどうか。論理について,それが生に対してできることをさせておこう。この本全体を通じて,お手本として,私には最高の転職に従ったように見える何人かの人たちを取り上げてきた。それは他の人だったら修道院を選んだように,砂漠や飛行機を選んだ人たちだ。しかし,もし私が主にあなたのうちに男たちへの賞賛の気持ちを呼び起こしたとしたら,私は自分の目的を裏切っていることになるだろう。)

cobble togetherは辞書的な意味は「…を不細工に補修する,急いでとりつくろう」(Progressive英和)という意味だそうです。cobble stoneは何回か登場しますが,「丸石」(道路舗装用)ということで,昔ながらのヨーロッパの道に敷かれた石のよう。それが動詞化しています。「論理は勝手にやらせておこう」といった意味でしょうか?


In my eyes now I still have that image of glaucous fortresses.



His gaze falls on the brandy, moves away, comes back to the brandy, and swings in supplication to the captain, who laughs quietly.



Huge, hobnailed, iron-clad boots, the boots of a farm labourer or a stevedore.

Known as khaki service dress, the uniform consisted of a serge tunic with brass buttons, baggy breeches of the same coarse material, peaked cap, webbing or leather belt, and hobnailed black leather ankle boots, worn with puttees.

not so much … as

Not so much death as the sticky pool of blood soaking his hands in his effort to rise, the cramped breathing, the coldness all around; not so much death as the discomfort of dying.



Truth for a man is what makes him a man. When a man has experienced this dignity in relationships, this loyalty when the stakes are high, this mutual gift of esteem within matters of life and death, when he compares this ennoblement granted to him with the mediocre bonhomie of the demagogue who would have expressed his fraternity with those same Arabs by clapping them heartily on the shoulders, flattering them yet at the same time humiliating them, then that man will feel towards you merely a slightly contemptuous pity if you argue against him.  And he will be right.



自分にとっての真実がその人を人間にする。人が(関係における)尊厳,(危機的な状況での)忠誠,(生死を分ける問題での互いに与えられた)尊重を経験したとき,/自分に与えられたこの高貴さと/心をこめて肩をたたいたり,お世辞を言うと同時に彼らを辱めることで,この同じアラブ人たちに友愛を表現するような扇動者のありきたりの暖かい行為と比べるとき,/ もし,あなたがその人に反論すれば,彼はちょっとだけさげすんだような哀れみをあなたに感じるだろう。そして彼は正しいのだ。


humble vs. modest

私は「謙虚」という言葉が好きで,(実は自分はその反対だから…)よく使います。英語ではmodestだろうと,おもってhumblehumiliate ともつながり「へりくだった」感じがあってピンと来ませんでしたが,この本では何箇所は登場します。

His laughter was a thing of wonder, for he laughed so rarely; it illumined his weariness. He gave no further explanation of his achievement, but lowered his head and went on chewing in silence. But in that colourless dining room, among humble clerks repairing the petty wear and tear of the day, that heavy-shouldered comrade struck me as having a strange nobility; through his rough hide he had let us glimpse the angel who had vanquished the dragon.

I looked around me: there were points of light in the darkness, as cigarettes punctuated meditation, the humble meditation of ageing clerks.

You rolled yourself into your ball of bourgeois security, your routines, the stifling rituals of your provincial existence, you built your humble rampart against winds and tides and stars.

Surrounded by stunted trees and squat houses, and as humble as a farmyard pond, it is inexplicably tidal.

I could no more shake her faith than that of an altar-server in a church. And I pitied her humble destiny, for it made her blind and deaf...

Outflanking the raiders sent against him, this Christian in Moorish clothing who leads two hundred Moorish buccaneers has entered rebel territory, where the humblest of his own men could awake one day free from French constraints, free from servitude, and with impunity sacrifice him to his God on those stone tables.

And so it is with the humblest shepherd watching modestly over a few sheep beneath the stars, for if he is aware of the part he is playing he will discover that he is more than a servant. He is a sentinel.

But to celebrate his modesty would be an equal betrayal. He is far above that mediocre virtue.


ただし,7章のAt the heart of the desertは秀逸。冬読んだので,砂漠の炎天下,自分がどこにいるのかもわからずさまよい歩くこの章は小説ながらでした。
