A Day No Pigs Would Die   by Robert Newton Peck


(白水Uブックス―海外小説の誘惑 ロバート・ニュートン ペック (著), Robert Newton Peck (原著), 金原 瑞人 (翻訳))



"Now then," said Aunt Matty, as she snatched back her hanky, giving it a sick look, "we're going to have a little test on grammar. You tell me, Robert, which sentence is correct. Ready ?"


 "It was I who he called. It was me who he called. It was I whom he called. And, it was me whom he called." 

I just sat there, dumb as a post. I guessed I didn't have brains enough to dump sand out a boot. If she'd asked me if'n I was Robert Peck, I don't guess I could of answered 'a good stout yes or no. 

"'Well ?" 

"I don't know, Auntie Matt. They all sound fair enough to me." 

"Just as I suspected from the first." 

"The first what?" 

"It's just an expression, Rob. But it's just as I feared. You don't know grammar, because you don't know how to diagram." 

"We haven't had that yet," I said. 

"’Course you haven't. Trouble with teachers today is, they don't diagram. All they think of is the Bunny Hug." 

"We haven't had that either."

Mattyおばさんが,「文法解析をしないで,だきあいっこばかりしている(=the Bunny Hug バニーハグ:20世紀初期に米国で流行した舞踏場用ダンス;ラグタイムのリズムに合わせ,互いにきつく抱き合って踊る.ランダム英和)」 それに対して,ロバート少年は,「それもやったことないよ」とトンチンカン。