Knots & Crosses
                    by Ian Rankin

イアン・ランキンの処女作のようですが,邦訳は賞を受賞した8作目Black & Blueからということだそうです.Web Surfingをしている時に偶然エジンバラを舞台にしているシリーズだと知り,読み始めることにしました.シリーズものはどうも1作めを読まないと,あとがつらいとわかりましたので,ほとんど感想や評判がないKnots & Crossesから始めました.なんといっても2002年8月に2泊3日でしたが,訪れたエジンバラが舞台.今回のイギリス旅行では一番印象に残った場所でもありましたので,そのとき買ったガイドブック片手に読み始めました.ただし,描写はごくわずか,Rebus警部じたいもよくわかりません.泣いて,神経を病み,それにすぐ倒れます.推理らしい推理もせず,アクションには強いはずですが(元軍隊の特殊工作員),それも発揮できず.恋人となるGillもどうして,二人がそういうことになるのか,いまいちピンとこず.しかし,これはRebusが主人公の物語.過去を清算し新しい出発のための輝かしい第1作,ということのようです.


deign ballcrushers cannabis
nadir Grouse Princes Street
recuperate Rutherford Arms myopic
Weather could be better Greyfriars Gordian knot
noughts and cresses



Rebus, however, had not deigned to tell his own life story to Morton.




Sharp then, very sharp. Very, very sharp indeed. Rebus began to feel a mite uneasy. He disliked ballcrushers, and here were all the outward signs of one.

きわめて造語に近い単語. crush ballsから判断すればおおよそ推測はつきますが…webの検索例は69例.怪しげな道具がトップのヒットでした.


Listen, there's a little cannabis around, but that's about it.



So, Rebus was seeing Gill Templer. He remembered the night they had spent together, and shuddered. That, surely, had been his nadir.


      His head's in a noose, isn't it? (窮地に陥る)

      Because you left me in the lurch, just as surely as if we had been in the hands of the enemy.


Stevens looked at him disbelievingly.

'Don't be daft,' he said - 'whisky, Grouse if that's what's in the Grouse bottle.'

Princes Street

They were standing at the entrance to Princes Street Gardens, adjacent to the tourist haunts of Edinburgh. A few people wandered past the closed shops of a Princes Street Sunday, while others sat on benches in the gardens, feeding crumbs to the pigeons and the Canadian squirrels or else reading the heavy-printed Sunday papers. The Castle reared above them, its flag flying briskly in the all-too-typical breeze



He had suffered a nervous breakdown just prior to his joining the force (why did you leave the Army, John?) and had recuperated in a fishing-village on the Fife coast, though he had never told Michael of his presence in Fife during that time.

Rebusが軍隊にいたこと.警察に入る前に精神病を患ったこと.生まれ故郷のFifeIan Rankinの生地でもあるようです)で静養したことがわかります.


Rutherford Arms

In the Rutherford Arms he met a couple of drinkers whom he knew from evenings like this just after Rhona had left him.



He had been very myopic indeed, had been wearing a carthorse's blinkers.



      Maybe the Djiaks had fumed self-righteously to Xerxes, but I thought they were too myopic to analyze how I might conduct an investigation.(Bloodshot)

      It would have been difficult even for the myopic Mrs. Adams to confuse the two, thought Morse, as he smiled and mouthed a few silent words to himself:
(Death is now my neighbour by Colin Dexter)

Weather could be better

The typical postcard home from an Edinburgh boarding-house: 'Edinburgh is lovely. The people rather reserved. Saw the Castle yesterday, and the Scott Monument.

It's a very small city, almost a town really. You could fit it inside New York and never notice it. Weather could be better.'

Weather could be better. The art of euphemism. Shitty, shitty rain.

イギリスへ行くなら夏!日は長いし快適だし.ということで航空券も高く.ロンドンは夏訪れては行けない,という忠告も無視して旅行しました.エジンバラへ行くといったら同僚のDaniel Starling氏が「雨が降っているぞ」と一言.このStarling氏はスコットランドのスターリング(お城がある)の領主の末裔だとのこと.たしかに雨が降りました.1日中大雨.寒くて,雨で.この絵葉書の英文はまさにエジンバラの典型的な感想です.


From his flat in Marchmont to the library could be a delightful walk, showing the strengths of Edinburgh as a city.

He passed through a verdant open area called The Meadows, and on the skyline before him stood the great grey Castle, a flag blowing in the fine rain over its ramparts. He passed the Royal Infirmary, home of discoveries and famous names, part of the University, Greyfriars Kirkyard and the tiny statue of Greyfriars Bobby. How many years had that little dog lain beside its master's grave? How many years had Gordon Reeve gone to sleep at night with burning thoughts of John Rebus on his mind? He shuddered. Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. He hoped that he would get to know his daughter better. He hoped that he would be able to tell her that she was beautiful, and that she would find great love in her life. Dear God, he hoped she was alive.


Marchmont … the Meadows … Royal Infirmary … Greyfriars Kirkyard … Greyfriars Bobby …

Gordian knot

'Ian Knott,' he whispered to himself. Ian Knott. Gordian knot. Reef knot. Gordian reef.

ゴルディオス王(King Gordius)の結んだ結び目《アジアを支配する者だけがこの結び目を解くといわれたが Alexander 大王は剣でこれを切断して難題を解決した》(ジーニアス大英和)


reef know「こま結び」

noughts and crosses

All he knew was that whatever would happen would happen, and that it had been set out like the plan of a building or a game of noughts and crosses many years before.

この物語はRebus自身の物語で,犯人は共に特殊部隊の訓練を受け,兄弟の契りまで結んだ元盟友.言葉遊びが好きなようで,言葉遊びを完結するために4人の幼女を殺す,という考えられないような設定.タイトルのknots & crossesはこのゲームと上のGordian knotをかけたもの.また,acrostic「アクロスティック《各行初め[,終り]の文字をつづるとある語になる遊戯詩・折句》‖a single〜 単一折句《行頭アクロスティック》/a double〜 二重折句《行頭・行末アクロスティック》/a triple〜 三重折句《行頭・行中・行末アクロスティック》/a telestich〜 行末折句《行末だけのアクロスティック》」(ジーニアス大英和)という言葉遊びも登場.


別名 Tic Tac Toe 紙と鉛筆を使ったゲームではもっとも一般的.紙と鉛筆がなくてもできる!!






