Hide & Seek
                    by Ian Rankin

 イアン・ランキンの第2作目.初版が1990年.処女作のKnots & Crossesから3年たっています.シリーズものは先ず1作目を,と思い読み始めましたが,処女作を引き継いでいるものの,上司,恋人,相棒,弟,元妻,娘,やり手の記者とほぼ総退場.元恋人のGillは早々に分かれて,後半重要な役割を果たすものの完全に脇役.それ以外の登場人物は言及しているものの話の筋とはほとんど関係がありません.

Memory smoothed the corners

Deacon Brodie

Burke and Hare

Heller / Rimbaud


a sachet of sugar





anglepoise lamp


Radio Three


Earl Grey

electric brae





Cecil B. DeMille

Memory smoothed the corners

Pilmuir. What had Tony McCall said? It had been lovely once, a place of innocence, something like that. The old days always were though, weren't they? Memory smoothed the corners, as Rebus himself knew well.


Deacon Brodie

'Deacon Brodie,' said Charlie, suddenly interested again, 'Burke and Hare, justified sinners, the lot. But it's all been cleaned up for the tourists, you see. And I thought, hang on, all this Lowland low-life still exists. That was when I started touring the housing estates, Wester Hailes, Oxgangs, Craigmillar, Pilmuir. And sure enough, it's all still here, the past replaying itself in the present.'

リーダーズ・プラスの威力発揮.「William Brodie (d. 1788) 《エディンバラ大工組合 (Edinburgh Wrights' Incorporation) の組合長; 強盗で絞首刑となった; R. L. Stevenson W. E. Henley の芝居 Deacon Brodie (1880) は彼のことを扱ったもの》」これはランダムハウスにもジーニアス大英和にも出ていませんでした.

「18世紀のエジンバラでも異色を放つ人物William Brodie (Deacon William Brodie)Louis Stevensonが共著の戯曲と小説「ジキル博士とハイド氏」のモデル.Brodieは有名な家具職人の息子で多額の遺産を相続.夜な夜なエジンバラの売春宿,賭博場,パブを徘徊.このことは知られず町議会議員(Town Council)となり,上流社会の合鍵を作り窃盗を繰り返す.
2人の愛人に5,6人の私生児をもうける.配下に鍵師,George Smithを加え,昼間は上流社会と交わり,夜は悪の限りをつくした.

悪事はばれることなく詩人Robert Burns, 画家Raeburnとも親交を持つ.

1788年3月5日,仲間(John Brown, Andrew Ainslie)らとエジンバラの税務署に入る.仲間が次々と逮捕され,Brodieはスコットランドからの脱出をはかるが,あえなく逮捕.1788年10月1日,4万人を越える野次馬にみもられれながら絞首刑になる.」

"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde."lは本編の大切なテーマです.ネタばれの危険がありますが,タイトルのhide…も…

Burke and Hare
こちらも有名な話のようです.リーダーズにはお世話になります.William Burke (1792-1829)《アイルランド出身の猟奇殺人者; William Hareと共に解剖用の死体を売るため 15人を殺害し,絞首刑になった》

Heller / Rimbaud

He had to clear his mind, find some book which would pull him into its little universe, far away from the sights and smells of Edinburgh. He stepped firmly on the likes of Chekhov, Heller, Rimbaud and Kerouac as he made his way to the kitchen, seeking out a bottle of wine.


Heller  Joseph Heller (1923-99) 《米国の小説家; Catch-22 (1961), God Knows (1984), Picture This (1988)》 Catch-22は古典ですね.

Rimbaud ランボーでした!!

Kerouacケルアック《Jack 〜 1922-69;本名 Jean-Louis 〜;米国のビート世代の小説家・詩人;On the Road 《路上》(1957), Big Sur 《ビッグ・サー》(1962)》(ジーニアス大英和) これは知りませんでした.ビート世代というのは,Dennis Lehaneか何かで…


'Well, he might have paid only a tenner for the camera, but that doesn't mean it was only worth a tenner to him.


a sachet of sugar

He poured from the teapot, then added a sachet of sugar. She liked lots of sugar.



I just don't want to go back to the squat, not tonight.



He was halfway down the curving stairwell before he realised that he was not wearing any shoes. He paused, considering. No, to hell with it. His mother had always warned him about catching chilblains, and he never had.


As luck would have it, Andrews seemed to know a bit about wine himself, and ordered a decent '82 claret and a crisp Chablis.



He was at the same time all that was most despised about the law profession, and a walking TV mini-series. If his lifestyle occasionally scandalised the prurient, it also satisfied a deep need in the readers of Sunday tabloids.


anglepoise lamp

Charlie had a room all right. It consisted of a single sleeping bag, a desk, anglepoise lamp, and more books than Rebus had ever seen in such an enclosed space.



'What will you do with the . . .' Holmes searched for some decorous word. 'I mean, what are they for?'


Radio Three

What a way to wake up every day. When he had a spare half hour, he'd retune the bloody thing to Radio Three or something. Except he knew Radio Three would send him straight back to sleep, whereas the voice of Calum McCallum and the grating records he played in between hoots and jingles and enthusiastic bad jokes brought him awake with a jolt, ready, teeth gritted, to face another day.



The red stone had been cleaned in the past year, giving it the look of a child's plasticine, pinky ochre and malleable.


Earl Grey

'Cosy,' Rebus commented, sipping the dry perfume of Earl Grey.



electric brae

Holmes was reminded of some hill somewhere in Scotland, the 'electric brae', where a trick of natural perspective made you think you were going uphill when in fact you were travelling down.



The living room was huge, with a high corniced ceiling.

「コーニス」というカタカナ語がついています.「壁面の突出した水平部分を指し `蛇腹' ともいう」(リーダーズ)

Lafite sixty-one

'Yes, I saw them in the living room. Lafite sixty-one.

The stuff of a very special occasion.'



The other names - Jerry, Lindsay were androgynous, anonymous.



They seemed to grow larger with the passing years, and he could swear there were more of them now than there had been when he'd first come to this place, all of - what was it? - six years ago? That wasn't so long in the span of a man's life, was it? So why did it feel so bloody Sisyphean?

Sis-y-phus「〔ギリシア神話〕シシュフォス《貪欲(どんよく)で邪悪なコリントの王;死後地獄に落され, 大石を山頂に押し上げる罰を科されたが, 石は頂上近くで必ず転がり落ち, その苦業には果てしがなかった》」→「〈苦労が〉果てしない, むだ骨折りの」



Of course there were. It was just that none of them seemed to make him feel any better. Why do you always have to try and hide things from me? There was that word again: hide. A verb, an action, and a noun, a place. And a person. Faceless, but Rebus was beginning to know him so well. The adversary was cunning, there was no doubting that. But he couldn't hope to tie up all the loose threads the way he'd tied up Ronnie and Carew, the way he was trying to tie up John Rebus.



Cecil B. DeMille

'You did say we were going to hell.'

'I wasn't expecting Cecil B. DeMille to be in on it though. What's going on there?'

