A Darkness, Take my Hand   by Dennis Lehane, 1996

Dennis Lehaneの2作目.前回も主人公のPatricの過去が微妙に影を引いていましたが,今回はそれがテーマ.よく人も死にました.映画で言うと「羊たちの沈黙」と「セブン」をミックスしたような.様々な要素が入り組んだ小説です.地元に図書館にあった唯一の翻訳を見ながら読み進めました.原文に登場する様々な背景知識がなければ伝わらないような固有名詞をさりげなく,説明くさくなく,そしてその情報の中心を的確に伝えていて大変感心しました.


on the first official night of winter

Three days ago, on the first official night of winter, a guy I grew up with, Eddie Brewer, was one of four people shot in a convenience store.


これは小説で言うと12月21日.最初の冬は12月21日.立冬ではないのかしら?と不思議に思いましたが,冬至を the winter solstice”というのは面倒なようで,the first day of winterと言うらしいです.夏至はthe first day of summer.

Rolling Rock

We stopped inside her house long enough for her to change into a pair of cut-off denim shorts and for me to take two bottles of Rolling Rock from her fridge.


"Not sure. Know what bothers me?"

"Besides Muzac, infomercials, and New Jersey accents?"

"About this case."



“No” I said, "we're wusses."

wuss「((米俗))いくじなし, 弱虫(wimp)」

playing Twister

Visiting Bubba in the old warehouse where he lives is a lot like playing Twister on the edge of a cliff


It's "the game that ties you up in knots"! Twister has been around forever, and it's still as much fun as you remember. The game box contains a spinner, a plastic mat marked with colored circles, and the rules, which are brief. You don't need anything else except a group of friends. A referee spins the spinner to come up with a color and whether a hand or a foot is to be placed in a circle of that color. It's easy at first, but after four or five spins you'll be more tangled than a plate of spaghetti. If you fall, or if any part of you except a hand or a foot touches the mat, you're out, and the last player left is the winner. If you're looking for something to break the ice at parties, this game is it.(Amazon.Comより)


You say tomato

"This is a minefield, Bubba."

"You say tomato," Bubba said. "Four inches left, Patrick."


ブッバの住処は爆弾でいっぱい.地雷原のよう.ケンジーが防犯装置をつけたら,というのに答えた発言.You say tomatoをwebで検索するとYou say tomato. I say …というタイトルのwebがいっぱい出てきました.決まり文句のはず,と調べていきましたが,思い出しました.


Let's Call The Whole Thing Off   Harry Connick Jnr


You say "either" and I say "either"

You say "neither" I say "neither"

"Either" "either", "neither" "neither"

Let's call the whole thing off


You say "potato" I say "patattah"

You say "tomato" I say "creole tomatah"

Let's call the whole thing off


Oh, if we call the whole thing off

Then we must part and

Oh, if we ever part

That would break my heart


I say "ursta" you say "oyster"

I'm not gonna stop eatin urstas

Just cause you say oysters,

Let's call the whole thing off


I say "pajamas" you say "pajamas"

Sugar, what's the problem?

For we know we need each other so

We'd better call the calling off off


Oh let's call it off, oh let's call it off

Oh let's call it off, baby let's call it off


Sugar why don't we call it off,

I'm talking baby why call it off

Let's call the whole thing off


Harpo Marx

Like Harpo Marx with a really bad attitude and homicidal tendencies.


"Psychically, Patrick," he said and touched his protruding frontal lobe. "Psychically."

Booby traps aside, sometimes I worry about him.


He held out his hands. "They all watch Scorsese movies

and cop shows, think it's the way they're supposed to talk.


She closed her eyes again. "Long with white filters. The

pack was gold. 'Deluxe' something or other."

"Benson and Hedges Deluxe Ultra Lights?"


"And one of the things they lose, if they ever had it, is

a Boston accent. Maybe they have a light one.

"But not a 'If you come to my pahty don't fahget the

beah' type of accent."

Skeleton in your closet

"Okay, Eric," I said softly. "Is there anything you're not telling me?"

"Like what?"

"Skeletons in your closet," I said. "A reason why this person would be threatening Jason to get to you?"




"The scary one," she said. "The one who looks like he might just walk into a Seven-Eleven one day and kill everyone inside because the Slurpee machine isn't working."

Starsky and Hutch

Before Angie there was Eileen Mack, who hopped an Amtrak in her graduation gown and was next seen a few years later on Starsky and Hutch.




Days of Our lives

"I'm moving to L.A. soon. I landed a part on Days of Our Lives."



in the bag

"You're half in the bag at ten in the morning, Kara."

She shrugged. "It's noon somewhere."


in the bag「酔っぱらって」

un-hip as to be hip

They wore fashionable clothing, usually black, with even more fashionable rips in them somewhere. They wore tacky costume jewelry which-given the cars they drove and the soft imported leather of their boots, jackets, and knapsacks-they presumably knew was tacky. So un-hip as to be hip, I guess ---their ironic postmodern wink at a hopelessly out of touch world.



Courtney Love / Kim Deal

Lauren majored in art history, but spent most of her time playing lead guitar in an all-female ska/punk/speed metal band which seemed to have spent far too much time taking Courtney Love and Kim Deal seriously.

Refrigerator Perry

Oscar is the largest guy I've ever met. He'd make Refrigerator Perry look anorexic and Michael Jordan look like a midget, and even Bubba looks puny beside Oscar.




Gargoyle sunglasses

Lyle wore a ten-gallon hat and a red handkerchief

around his neck and black wrap-around Gargoyle sunglasses that took up half of his small, pinched face.

Rush Limbaugh

 Ms. Uver-Kett drove down from Portland, Maine, on Mondays and Thursdays to teach it, and spent the rest of her time, as far as we could see, writing hate mail to Rush Limbaugh.



このサイトを読めば,なんとなくRush Limbaughそれから,Uver-Kettの思想傾向が読み取れます.


I looked up at the marquee, knowing I might have to follow him in and hoping it wasn't a Bergman film. Or worse, Fassbinder.


She says it makes her feel like she's watching it from underneath a swamp after taking too many Quaaludes.



クエールード《鎮静・催眠剤 methaqualone の商標名》(ジーニアス大英和)

クワルード《methaqualone 製剤》(リーダーズ+)


Quaalude is a brand name for the depressant methaqualone (me-THA-kwa-lone) and is no longer manufactured commercially. The drug is a central nervous system depressant similar to barbituates. The effect on the body is a reduction in the heart and breathing rate and blood pressure. Small doses create a feeling of euphoria. Larger doses can bring about depression, irrational behavior, poor reflexes and slurred speech. Those who use quaaludes frequently develop tolerance rather quickly. This is dangerous in many ways because users then have to increase their dosage to achieve a high. An overdose can be fatal. Mixing alcohol and quaaludes can also be deadly because of the combined depressant effect on the heart and lungs.


Robert Duvall

About the time that Robert Duvall was holding a barbecue on the beach, a man came in and sat in the row behind Jason, about five seats to his left.


During the Do-Long Bridge sequence, as Martin Sheen and Sam Bottoms crawled through a beseiged trench looking for the battalion leader, the man moved four seats to his left.

全て地獄の黙示録(Apocalypse Now (1979))からです.

Oliver Smoot

"How come smoots, Patrick?"

"That's how they measured the bridge," I said. "They turned Oliver Smoot over and over again, across the bridge."



Oliver SmootはAmerican National Standards Institute 米国規格協会《日本の JIS に相当》の会長のようです.


Scottish terriers

On the danger scale, Scottish terriers fall somewhere in between guppies and sunflowers, but that wasn't much comfort as I watched Mae's tiny body inch closer and closer to something with teeth.


a Busch

"No problem. Can't promise what I'll come up with."

I smiled. "Long as it isn't a Busch."

バドワイザーは正式名Anheuser-Busch Inc,社長はAugust Busch W.というわけで,バドワイザーの別名はBusch. ケンジーはこのビールが嫌いなよう.


He reached back for the bottle of Stoli, poured himself another shot.

Stolieは Stolichnaya Russian Vodka, 40%-50% の略のようです.

This time he came up with a Harpoon IPA, spun it in his meaty palm and popped the cap off in the opener mounted on the cooler wall.


Marx Brothers/Animal Crackers

Instead, I spent my time with Mae, and the simple act of keeping up with her and keeping her entertained and feeding her and putting her down for her nap and explaining the antics of the Marx Brothers to her as we watched Animal Crackers and Duck Soup and then reading Dr. Seuss to her as she settled into the daybed I'd set up in the bedroom-the simple act of caring for another, smaller human being was more therapeutic than a thousand counseling sessions, and I found myself wondering if past generations had been right when they accepted that as common knowledge.


the Marx Brothers→http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~KZ3T-SZK/mar_idx.htm

Animal Crackers 1932年のthe Marx Brothers主演による映画「けだもの組合」だそうです.

Duck Soup同じくthe Marx Brothersの「我輩はカモである」という映画だそうで.


She spends whole weeks being a perfect bitch around me, and she spends a day with you and she's Pollyanna.

ポリアンナ, パレアナ 《米国の作家 Eleanor Porter のベストセラー小説 Pollyanna (1913), 続篇 Pollyanna Grows Up (1915) の主人公; いつも何かしら喜ぶべきことを見つける明朗で楽天的な少女》; 底抜けの楽天家.(リーダーズプラス)


It speaks

"Kenzie, a guy skimmed over forty large from Jackie a few years back."

"It speaks," I said,

forty larage「4万ドル」(?!)large((米俗))千ドル (cf. grand)

It speaks < It speaks for itself . 「それを見ると(おのずと)わかる; それは明白だ」

Cedar Grove

"A promise, Kevin. Take it to the fucking bank."

For a moment, I thought he'd do something. Right there.

Right then. But he didn't. He said, "You just bought a plot at Cedar Grove, Kenzie. You know that."



Cedar Groveという映画か何かがあるかとも思いました.

リーダーズ・プラすには「 シーダーグローヴ 《Philadelphia の Fairmount Park にある 18 世紀のクエーカー教徒の農場主の居宅で, 戸口に食用・薬用・香料用の植物庭園がある》」というのもあります.


本文でCedar Groveを探すと,p.65(Harper Torch Fiction版)に次のような場面がありました.

"It's been a pleasure talking to you, Pat. Tell your father Stan Timpson said hi. I miss that old guy. Where's he hiding these days?"

"Cedar Grove Cemetery."

"Got himself a groundskeeper job, did he? Well, got to run. Take care, Pat."

これはかなりトンチンカンな会話ですが,Kenzieの父はCedar Grove Cemeteryにいる.もちろん管理人でなく,墓の中にです.Kenzieの墓を指しているのではないかと思われます.plot「《墓地などの》一区画」(Readers Plus)とあります.



First, I'll kill you. Then I'll wait a while.

a Napoleon complex to boot

Nelson was as shit-house crazy as Bubba, with a Napoleon complex to boot, but like Bubba, he could reign in his psychosis as long as he had something to occupy his time



ナポレオンは背が低く,外見が劣ることをバネにして,頑張った,という文脈で使われているようです.to bootで「重度の」はよくわかりません.「克服すべきコンプレックス」ということでしょうか.


Bolton put his hand on the back of my chair and leaned in close enough for me to smell the Sucrets in his mouth.

((商標))スクレッツ《米国 Smith Klein Beecham 製ののどあめ. 咳止めあめ》.




Halston for Women
"Lab analysis says it was Halston for Women."



Spelled with one dick

Behind me, Field asked Erdham, " 'Exhaustive'-is that spelled with one dick or two?"

"Two," Erdham said. "But they're both pretty small."








