A bright red Le Creuset casserole
" "Forsythia," she said out loud, and her mother looked out the bay window in the front, to the row of ancient forsythia beginning to bud. "I told your father to cut it back last fall, but I think he got carried away. It looks straggly, doesn't it?"
レンギョウ:モクセイ科レンギョウ属 Forsythia の低木の総称;中国およびヨーロッパ南東部原産
the original Romper Room teacher, Miss Nancy. Tess still had a soft spot for Romper Room, despite the fact that the Magic Mirror never saw a Tess, or even a Theresa, in all the years she watched.
ロンパー・ルームとは日本でいえば「お母さんと一緒」みたいな子供向け定番番組で1954年から70年代後半まで放映されたようです.そしてその先生の名前はMiss. Nancy. テスはまだ,この先生に「弱い」ところがあるとか.それからMagic Mirrorは次のような説明が…
Each show ended with the hostess gazing into
the 'Magic Mirror' (just a mirror frame) and saying (changing the names
each day): "I see Mary and Hank and William and Virginia and Hannah and all of
you boys and girls out there!"
You trot over to Octavia and I'm sure you'll see just how charmingMiz Rhymes-With-Hunt Cup can be."
Keysは閉店, Pikesvilleというところに新しく店ができたそうです.てっきり固有名詞だと思ったMiz
Rhymes-With-Hunt Cupはそうではありませんでした.
Wynkowskisのことを指しているよう.しかし,本名はLinda Stolley Wynkowski」 「オクタービアにいけば,ハント・カップ(と同じ韻の)婦人がどんなにチャーミングかわかりますよ」とはなるのですが…
She actually was magna cum laude. We don't usually see students make that kind of mistake, but possibly
magna cum laude 優等で(with great praise):卒業免状などで,3段階の優等賞のうちの第2位で卒業したことを示す.
cum laude.第三位優等で[の]:卒業証書などで,優等賞中のいちばん低い賞を示す
"A. J. here."
"As in Mann Shepard?"
"No astronaut jokes, okay? I've heard
them all in my time."
A.Jはテスが電話をした相手,Alann J. Shepardの略. Mann ShepardはMan Shepardのつづり間違いのようで,アメリカではヒーロー(誰でも知っている?)1961年に最初の宇宙飛行士となり,1971年には5番目に最高齢で月にたどり着いた人のよう.彼を紹介するホームページに "Al
is on the surface, and it's been a long way, but we're here."という彼の発言がありました.これに依拠しているのでしょうか?
Warshing the dishes in the zinc. Bertie could give lessons on Bawlamerese. Whatever the gender, the speech had all the touchstones. Probably listened to the Erioles, thought a far was something you toasted marshmallows
over, and went downy eauchin in August to a rented condo on the boardwalk.
Warsh - what you do to your hands before dinnerという表現などがBawlamereseのホームページに載っています.
farはfatのことでしょうか?downy eauchinはLaura Lippman独特の使いまわしのようでよくわかりません.彼女のホームページに次のようなことばがあります.
We grew up in an idyllic neighborhood with an unfortunate name, Dickeyville, a former mill village now on the National Register of Historic Places. My hobby was visiting the emergency room at St. Agnes Hospital. We lived at 5003 Wetheredsville Road and the Monaghans lived at 5007. There were three Monaghan boys and two Monaghan girls and they were "true" Baltimoreans in a way that we could never be -- natives, who played lacrosse, went downy eauchin every summer and knew that the vowel "o" is supposed to be pronounced "oooooooo."
(私たちはディッキィヴィルていう現在は国の史跡に指定地域になっている工場の村で,名前はダサかったけど牧歌的な環境で育ちました.趣味は聖アグネス病院の緊急病棟を訪ねること.私たちはWetheredsvill Road 5003に住んでいてMonaghanは5007番地に住んでいました.モナガム家には3人の男の子と2人の女の子がいて,みんな私たちがまねのできないような「生粋」のボリチモアっ子でした.地元の子どもで,ラクロスをし,夏にはdowny eauchinへ行って「おーーーー」って「o」の母音を発音することを知っていました.
"Hi, Uncle Spike." He was so still. What had she expected-someone sleeping like a man in a cartoon, or like one of the Three Stooges, his chest rising and falling with an exaggerated movement, a faint whistling noise escaping around the various tubes. Tess thought she saw his eyelids flicker, his mouth twitch. Wishful thinking.
(「こんにちは,スパイクおじさん」 彼はじっとしていた.何を期待したのだろう? マンガのあるいはThree Soogesの一人のように寝ている人,胸が大げさな動きで上下し,いろいろなチューブのすきまから漏れてくるかすかな音を立てているような人に.テスはおじさんのまぶたがぴくぴくし,口がゆがむのを見たような気がした.希望的な思いなのだろう」
Three Stoogesこれもかなり有名なようですね.「3バカ大将」でした.!!
A broken ankle when she had jumped out of her bedroom window, playing goldilocks.
goldilock:ゴルディロックス:英国の昔話 Goldilocks and the Three Bears で,クマの家に入り込んで寝入ってしまう女の子
Ipecac had done its job too well. She had vomited and vomited until she was dangerously dehydrated, her body still intent on emptying itself long after it had purged the sixteen-inch pizza and half-gallon of mint chocolate chip.
"It might help if you told me what you were looking for. All this time, I thought you wanted my greyhound."
Moms Chair shook his head. His face was long and thin, with deep hollows in his cheeks that gave him a wasted look.
Antelope was a poor substitute for Hausnner's potato pancakes, or a plate of tortellini from the Brass Elephant. But you couldn't veto your host's choice and Joy America did have a spectacular view of the harbor---the National Aquarium and the Columbus Center, the rowhouses and churches of Little Italy beyond them.
"At any rate, you've fulfilled Warhol's prophecy. Sorry you won't get better play. I thought the story merited the local section front, but I decided to recuse myself from that decision, as I have a conflict of interest here." He paused.
"That is, I hope I'm going to."
どうもWarhol's prophecyという小説があるらしい.(500ページ以上に及ぶが面白いらしい)その話がお気楽ペーパーバックの楽しみ に出ています.
Colleen didn't have any bourbon, but she did have good Scotch and an unopened bag of Mint Milanos