

And all this is fully borne out by my own very limited experience.


No skin treatment is complete without careful attention to diet. A poor diet deprives the skin of vitamins, minerals and trace elements ( 2 ). A junk-food diet produces irritating toxic wastes that may trigger ( 3 ). Sugar, fats, alcohol and refined starches are often the worst culprits. Low levels of three nutrients ( 4 ) tend to show up fast in skin disorders: vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc.

a. even months b. further problems c. in particular
d. on the other hand e. both social and professional f. essential to its health


Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.

be borne out

英和辞典のbear outの定義は「裏付ける」




肌の治療には食事に気を使うことが不可欠.貧弱な食事をすると肌からビタミン,ミネラル( 2  )な微量元素がなくなる.ジャンクフードを食べると( 3 )を引き起こしかねない刺激的な有毒素ができてくる.砂糖,脂肪,アルコールそれに片栗粉(?)がしばしば最悪の原因物質である.( 4 )微量の3つの栄養素が皮膚病では急速に現れる傾向にある.その栄養素とはビタミンA,ビタミンCそれに亜鉛である.

空所2には直前のtrace elements(微量元素:有機体内に微量に含まれる鉄,亜鉛,銅など生理過程に重要な元素)を説明するという意味でf. essential to its heath(健康に不可欠な)が入るのは問題ありません.
空所3は「さらに問題を引き起こす」という文脈からfurther problemsがぴったりです.
さて,問題は空所4です.可能性のある選択枝はc.in particular「特に」とd. on the other hand「一方」です.cを選択すると1文前の「ビタミン,ミネラル,微量元素」の具体例に言及していることになりそうですが,直前の刺激的な有毒素の例にもとれます.刺激的な有毒素が出る.特に〜...とそこで問題は,ビタミンA,C,亜鉛は有毒素なのか?ということです.どうも亜鉛もお肌(とくにニキビ,吹き出物)には必要な元素のようです.海外のサイトですが,ニンジンなので亜鉛を摂取して肌の炎症を抑えている,という報告がありました.



  1. I have always felt that the great high privilege of friendship is that one has to explain nothing. You can really relax when you are protected by mutual friendship.

  2. Friendship is the most important thing in life. Because it makes you feel that you are not alone and that you're not surrounded by a cold world that won't care a bit if something terrible happens to you.

  3. When a friend of yours is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do for him or her. Think up something appropriate and do it.

  4. When you see a person who is unkind to you or unnecessarily aggressive toward people, don't let anger rise in you. Rather pity him in the knowledge that he is a terrible self-hater.

  5. It is almost impossible not to be a friend of yourself. You will feel happy if someone praises you. You will feel sorry if you find yourself unpopular. So, your best friend cannot but be yourself.