No.1 Ladies' Detective Agencyの第4作。
"He killed a hoopoe with his catapult," whispered Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni.
「ヤツガシラ」 catapult「パチンコ」
He was an inveterate ladies' man, as many of these footballers were, and his hair was always covered with a curious sticky gel, for the benefit of ladies, Mma Makutsi assumed.
Slowly, she began to gyrate round the office in celebratory dance, ululating quietly as she did so, her right hand moving back and forward before her mouth.
Prison officials were a close-knit community; they lived cheek by jowl with one another in the prison lines, and their families often intermarried.
A group of children was playing under a shady jacaranda tree.