The Terra-Cotta Dog
                    by Andrea Camilleri

2003年の何日号か忘れましたが,TIME誌をふと見ていたら(読んでいたのではありません)。最初のほうのページの(World traveler か?)特集で,旅に持ち歩くミステリー4冊の紹介がありました。よくわかりませんでしたが,ここに紹介された本をとりあえず4冊注文。予備知識なしで読む本の出会いもまたいいかな,と思いました。

モンタルバーノ警部―悲しき...ハルキ文庫 cover




"L'? el di di mort, alegher!" Montalbano thought upon seeing him, reminded of the title of a poem by Delia Tessa.

残念,確認できません。 2件しかヒットせず,1件はイタリア語かな?

In the fridge he found some boiled squid and a slice of nicely aged caciocavallo cheese.


Then he decided to stretch out on the bed and finish the novel by Montalbin.



Then he remembered that the judge had been working devotedly for years on a ponderous book entitled The Life and Deeds of Rinaldo and Antonio Lo Bianco, Masters of Law at theUniversity of Girgenti at the time of King Martin the Younger (1402-1409). Lo Bianco had got it into his head that the two ancient barristers were his ancestors.

Forming the vertex of this upside-down triangle, at the near end of the rug, was a life-size shepherd dog, made of terra-cotta.



He remembered he'd finished the Vasquez Montalban novel and had nothing else to read.

The first one, a copper coin dated 1934, had the king's profile and the words "Victor Emmanuel 111, King of Italy" on one side, and a spike of wheat and "C. 5," five centesimi, on the other. The second coin, dated 1936 and also copper, was a little bigger and had the same king's head with the same words on one side, and a bee resting on a flower with the letter "C" and the number "10," ten centesimi, on the other. The third was made of a light metal alloy, with the inevitable king's head and accompanying words on one side, on the other an eagle displayed, with a Roman fasces partially visible behind it. This side also had four inscriptions:


The Americans landed here the night of July 9-10, 1943. In October of that same year, these coins went out of use. They were replaced by Amlire, the paper money printed up by Anigot, the Allied military administration of the occupied territories.

Attuppateddri were small light-brown snails which, when they went into hibernation, would secrete a fluid that solidified into a white sheet, which served to close-attuppari in Sicilian-the entrance to the shell.


They went to La Vucciria. Livia was shocked and overwhelmed by the shouts, the exhortations, the cries of the merchants calling out their wares, the speech, the arguments, 'the sudden brawls, the colors so bright they seemed unreal, painted.

All smiling and wearing the Fascist uniforms of the Giovani Italiane.

"No, no, I've just had an idea. If we're lucky, and I've guessed right, I'll donate forty thousand lire to San Calogero on his next feast day."

"All we've got," she said, "are the two volumes of D'Ancona and two more by De Bartholomaeis. But these books can't be taken out. You’ll have to consult them here."


"Exactly. And we put the money due him in escrow.

第三者預託《一定の条件が満たされるまで, 被譲与者や受約者が金銭・証券・証書などを第三者に預託すること》;第三者に預託させた金銭[証書]‖in 〜 第三者預託で[として].(ジーニアス大英和)

"Manau tupapau," said the inspector.

"No understand."

He'd cited the title of a Gauguin painting.
