Open and Shut by David Rosenfelt

 この本もどういう経緯で知って,どうして購入したのか覚えていません。英語が易しく,テンポがいいので,気持ちよく読めました。 初めてグリシャムの本を読んだ時の印象と非常によく似ています。これが処女作で,弁護士,死刑囚,そして正義感に満ちた主人公が巨悪に単身挑む。理解のある裁判長。都合良くでる証拠や証人。いずれもグリシャムと共通した感じです。

"Objection. Mental illness is not an area of the officer's expertise."
I reply, "I am simply aWe are even more surprised two days later when
Sandy Michelson presents Wallace with a proposal and a
proffer of what Victor's testimony would be. The proposal is for Edward to plead guilty to a conspiracy to
murder charge, which would probably result in his getting ten years in prison.sking the witness to speak to
his beliefs based on his experience."
"Overruled. You may answer."


We are even more surprised two days later when Sandy Michelson presents Wallace with a proposal and a proffer of what Victor's testimony would be. The proposal is for Edward to plead guilty to a conspiracy to murder charge, which would probably result in his getting ten years in prison.



ちなみに,動詞は頻出のようで,私が読んで,電子情報化してあるテキストではAmerican Tabloidの6件を筆頭に様々な小説で登場していました。名詞ではこの本が初めてのようです。

