The Da Vinci Code, 2003



 アマゾンのレビューに誰か書いていましたが,「バラの名前」を思い出しました。起きた事件はたいしたことはないのですが,それに関するレクチャーが大変長くて,何かキリスト教の講義を受けている感じになりました。実際の時間は1日強というところ,この間にパリ-ロンドンーエジンバラと主人公たちが移動します。ちょっと都合が良すぎない,というところがあったり,そもそも,なぜ,殺人の嫌疑をかけられたハーバード大学教授Robert Langdonが逃避行に走らなければならないのか,今ひとつピンと来ませんでした。



One mile away, the hulking albino named Silas limped through the front gate of the luxurious brownstone residence on Rue La Bruyere.



widow's peak

His dark hair was slicked back with oil, accentuating an arrow-like widow's peak that divided his jutting brow and preceded him like the prow of a battleship.




Not only did Sauniere have a personal passion for relics relating to fertility, goddess cults, Wicca, and the sacred feminine, but during his twenty-year tenure as curator, Sauniere had helped the Louvre amass the largest collection of goddess art on earth- labrys axes from the priestesses' oldest Greek shrine in Delphi, gold caducei wands, hundreds of Tjet ankhs resembling small standing angels, sistrum rattles used in ancient Egypt to dispel evil spirits, and an astonishing array of statues depicting Horns being nursed by the goddess Isis.



The symbol was known as a crux gemmata---a cross bearing thirteen gems-a Christian ideogram for Christ and His twelve apostles.


Opus Dei

Murray Hill Place-the new Opus Dei World Headquarters and conference center-is located at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York City.


The Church of Saint-Sulpice

The Church of Saint-Sulpice, it is said, has the most eccentric history of any building in Paris. Built over the ruins of an ancient temple to the Egyptian goddess Isis, the church possesses an architectural footprint matching that of Notre Dame to within inches.


Fibonacci sequence

"The Fibonacci sequence? The P.S.? All the Da Vinci and goddess symbolism? That had to be my grandfather?'


Langdon was surprised. "Your grandfather taught you about the number PHI?"

As Langdon loaded his slide projector, he explained that the number PHI was derived from the Fibonacci sequence---a progression famous not only because the sum of adjacent terms equaled the next term, but because the quotients of adjacent terms possessed the astonishing property of approaching the number 1.618-PHI!

Les Demoiselles d 'Avignon

In fact, one of his anagrams had gotten him in trouble once when Sophie was a little girl. While being interviewed by an American art magazine, Sauniere had expressed his distaste for the modernist Cubist movement by noting that Picasso's masterpiece Les Demoiselles d 'Avignon was a perfect anagram of vile meaningless doodles.

Hawker 731

The Hawker 731's twin Garrett TFE-731 engines thundered, powering the plane skyward with gut-wrenching force.

Lieutenant Collet helped himself to a Perrier from Teabing's refrigerator and strode back out through the drawing room.

Remy approached up the aisle now, the Heckler and Koch pistol cradled in his hand.


Occasionally, customs agents accepted large tips from Teabing in exchange for turning a blind eye to the transport of harmless organics---mostly luxury foods-French escargots, a particularly ripe unprocessed Roquefort, certain fruits.

He went to the limousine's wet bar, where he poured himself a Smirnoff vodka.

J-frame Medusa

The gun in his hand was a concealable, small-caliber, J-frame Medusa, but it would be plenty deadly at close range.

Newton's tomb consisted of a massive black-marble sarcophagus on which reclined the sculpted form of Sir Isaac Newton, wearing classical costume, and leaning proudly against a stack of his own books-Divinity, Chmnology Opticks, and Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mat hematica.  At Newton's feet stood two winged boys holding a scroll. Behind Newton's recumbent body rose an austere pyramid.

Rosslyn Chapel

The Knights Templar had designed Rosslyn Chapel as an exact architectural blueprint of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem-complete with a west wall, a narrow rectangular sanctuary, and a subterranean vault like the Holy of Holies, in which the original nine knights had first unearthed their priceless treasure.
