Strip Jack
                    by Ian Rankin

Ian Rankin4冊目ということで安心感あり。2月上旬に韓国旅行に行ったおり,携行し,ホテルの中やバスのなかで読み進めました。ところが,どうもそのバスの中に置き忘れたのか,旅行の荷物にまぎれたのか,日本に着いてから紛失。本がなくなってしまいました。幸い,電子情報としてはとってあったので,それで読みましたが,やはり本がないと思うようにいきません。
 さらに一見模範的な国会議員(MP: Member of Parliament)と,彼を取り巻く少年時代の仲間たち(これが結構人数が多くて,メモでもとっておかないと誰が誰だかわからなくなる状況。ソウル旅行中に盛り上がったのですが,本を紛失したことが大きな障害となりました。


at the drop of a hat

behind your keys







elephant impressions

Fish out of Water



Kill or cure



on the dole



proverbial jimmy



That'll be the day

to the pun


under his thumb

up to your chin

Worked my balls


So was the presence in the brain, marrow, kidney and so forth of diatoms. Diatoms, Dr Curt never tired of explaining, were micro-organisms which penetrated the lung membrane and would be pumped around the bloodstream by a still-beating heart.




Lashings of salt, vinegar and brown sauce on the chips. Two slices of white pan bread thinly spread with margarine. And a cup of dark brown tea. The haddock was covered in batter, which Rebus picked off, eating it first before starting on the fish.

ハドック《タラ科の一種;北大西洋の食用魚でcodほど大きくない》; その肉(Genius)

fish & chipsnoの描写ですね。大昔に行ったときには,食べなかったので,今回は挑戦しましたが,魚のフライの大きさにびっくり。その時なんの魚にするのか聞かれた気もしますが,全く認識していませんでした。



He looked at the list of delights printed above the counter. Red, white and black puddings, haggis, smoked sausage, sausage in batter, steak pie, mince pie, chicken..

delight「喜び」が名詞化して,「喜びを与えるもの」ということらしいですが,ここではさらに具体化して,単なるマクドナルドなどにおいてあるメニューのことを list of deightsと言っているようです。haggisは代表的なスコットランド料理だと言うので,エジンバラ城の近くのパブの2階のレストランで挑戦しました。イギリス人かスコットランド人の親子(といっても娘さんもかなりの年でしたが)にその話をしたら,娘さんは「食べてみな」といい,おばあさんは「食べるな。くさい,まずい」といいました。羊の肉で確かにくさかったのですが,それも食べなければわかりませんでした。


Fish out of Water

The vertical hold had gone. So he switched it off again and dug into his bag, coming up with Fish out of Water.




But they all seemed light of heart. 'You sound chirpy,' Rebus said. 'A decent night's sleep and a long breakfast,' said Kilpatrick, patting his stomach.




As in "in keech up to your chin"; From Kens: "Keech is a great word which, like pish, can be used in about a million different ways. Yeah, it literally means foulings, but that doesn't automatically mean that someone who calls you a big keech is insulting you!"

keechはリーダーズ・プラスだけに載っていて「《廃・英方》 脂肪の塊り.[cake と関連?]」とあります。現在は使われない単語ということになりますが,この小説では注釈入りで使われています。「fouling「汚れ」という意味だが,"a big keech"と呼ばれたからと言って,自動的に侮辱になるといういうわけではない」pish「フン,ヘン」


up to your chin

'You're in keech up to your chin, son. Start at the beginning and leave nothing out.'

 〔…に〕深くはまり込んで, どっぷり漬かって(Genius大英和)

keechは単なる強めで,in up to your chinとなるようです。

get the girl into the sack

'Christ, no. I think everybody but Urquhart tried to get the girl into the





Rebus could imagine Barney Byars lapping it up, mixing with Patterson-Scott, Kilpatrick and the rest. And he could imagine them... tolerating Byars, a bit of nouveau rough.

ヌーボー (フランス語のnewでしたね…)

under his thumb

'She's certainly under his thumb,' said Rebus. 'And she's on all sorts of anti-depressants. I'd be surprised if she could tell Wednesday night at home in Queensferry from the twelfth of July in Londonderry.'


at the drop of a hat

'Gregor is an MP, Inspector. He can't always get away at the drop of a hat.'

((米略式))合図があると;すぐに, きっかけさえあれば, 確固とした理由もなしに.(ジーニアス大英和)


elephant impressions

'I'm not sure she saw any of us in a decent light. Barney Byars was doing elephant impressions, you know, where you pull out your trouser pockets and -'
'Yes, I know.'



Worked my balls

His voice was rising steadily. 'Worked my balls off for them! Now somebody's trying to piss on my whole life from a very high place. Why me? Why me? Liz and me. . .Liz...'

やはり辞書には出ていないようです。ballsはあのballだと思われますが,嫌らしい意味の場合もあるようですが,work my balls off ...で「がんばる」ぐらいの意味で使っているようです。



'I tried asking a couple of sleazebags connected with Croft.'

'Who's Croft?'

Flight sighed. 'The woman who ran the brothel.' 'Oh, right.'

((米略式))不道徳なやつ, 嫌なやつ;ひどい所.(ジーニアス大英和)



She made a perfunctory attempt at getting out of the car. It only needed a touch of his hand to restrain her.

特にColin DexterのThe Jewel that was ours5件,その他のColing Dexter作品が多くて11件もありました。


That'll be the day.

'Suit yourself, Gail. Listen, if you want to talk, I'm at Great London Road police station.' He fished out a card with his name and phone number on it.

'That'll be the day.'

'Well...' He headed for the door, a matter of two and a half strides.

▼That'll be the ddy!((略式))(1)[皮肉的に](いい話を持ち出されて)そりゃ結構!, そいつは驚きだ! 《◆そんなことがあるものかという含みがある》.(2)[肯定的に用いて] そうなることを願っている.

behind your keys

He crouched by the range and considered. The bold as brass approach might be best. Just go marching past saying something about having left behind your keys... Aye, sure, Kemp would fall for that.



But there'd been a cock-up over the dates. He turned up on a Wednesday afternoon when it should have been Thursday.

cock up「だいなしに」(動詞)が名詞化された表現。「日にちが改ざんされている」


to the pun

Holmes sighed. 'I might, but you always seem to beat me to the pun.



proverbial jimmy

Bill the Barman chipped in: 'He'll be back in a sec. 'Gone for the proverbial jimmy,' added the drinker of milk, while Rebus pondered which proverb he meant.

Jimmy riddleが「おしっこをする」という表現であるようです。


on the dole

'I know architects my age, guys I went to college with, they've been on the dole for the past half dozen years. Or else they give up and go do something sensible like working on a building site or living on a kibbutz.

be on the dole「失業保険を受けている」も頻出の表現のようです。(ランキンでは?)
The company tends to recruit and train its own staff from scratch. As Mr. Branson
said: "If you've been at college or *
on the dole, working for only nine months still
makes you a lot better off financially than you were before.



 'After all, she'd be stupid to plump for anybody else, wouldn't she?'




'What about Mrs Heggarty?'

'Lives the other side of the main drag.'

((米略式))[通例 the 〜] 通り, 通路



Kill or cure

Lauderdale laughed. 'Kill or cure, certainly. Now look, you've just admitted yourself that you believe Steele's story 'Up to a point.'




'Take a break. Just for the afternoon, say. What about the Professor's missing tomes?'

'Back with their owner'

'Oh?' Lauderdale waited for elucidation.

((文))(重い・学術的な)本, 大冊.   これも辞書の記述どおりです。



'Mr Jack told Sir Hugh about something else he'd been keeping secret, namely that his Wednesday round of golf was a concoction'





'You must think I'm a bit of a shite,' he said in a level tone. 'You're probably right. But, Christ. . .'

shite < shit


'Mrs Jack. At that lay-by, what was she hanging around there for?'

