Ian Rankin6作目。1994年の作品ということで,まだ,現在(2003年)とはl8年の時間差があります。コンピュータが一般化してきた頃のようで,フロッピーに入った情報が大切な役割をはたします。もう大昔ですが,Dick FrancisのTwice Shyを読んだ時には,「テープ」に記録したプログラムが重要な働きをしていて,それを読んだのが,フロッピーになった頃。そして今,フロッピーが消えゆく時代にフロッピーが主人公なのはなんともいえません。

出だしは最高。私は知らなかったのですが,Mary King's Closeという現在は地下になってしまった昔の町並みが殺人現場。途中,Belfastに出張しますが,ほとんどはPrinces通りとRoyal Mile付近。Summer Festivalの到来と同時に事件が始まり,最後はカールトン・ヒルから見るFestival最後の花火で終わる,という夏エジンバラを訪れた人にはなんとも言えない設定です。

タイトルのMortal Causesですが,直訳すると「死を免れない原因」とでもなりそうで,そんな感じのタイトルかと思っていましたが,causeは「大儀・主義・目標」といった意味で,「死につながる大儀」とでもなりそう。Causeは北アイルランドの独立運動,ということで,かなり政治的,宗教的。



さて,リーバス警部を読み続けて8冊。大変期待していましたが,この巻が第4巻で,第1巻が「黒と青」と原作とは逆になっているので,設定はずいぶん変わっています。何よりもfestivalの最中であったエジンバラは閑散とした初冬(?)。有能な腹心シオバーンはちょっと印象が違い,もっと信頼しているはずのBrain Holmsは登場していません。たしか医師ではったはずのPatienceは名前も変わって,離婚したての大学生。上司はどうもずっとJill Templerでいくようです。


Glaswegian accent

Heart of Midlothian


Hal Ketchum
Procurator Fiscal proselytise

Mary King's Close

Fuck the Pope

Orange Songs

horses’ mouths

Quod erat demonstrandum


in the know

486 chip

white as a sheet

Mary King's Close

'You know where we are?' the constable asked.

'Mary King's Close,' said Rebus.


closeは「((スコット))(構内・家屋・階段へ通じる)狭い通路, 入口;((英))袋小路(cul-de-sac);[C〜] …通り《小さな通りの名称;【略】 Clo.》.4」(ジーニアス大英和)ということだそうです。

Procurator Fiscal

'I think,' said Curt, 'the Procurator Fiscal's office will agree that foul play is suspected?'

Rattray nodded, still not looking.

Procurator Fiscal「((スコット))検察官(public prosecutor)《検察官と検死官の両権能をもつ;【略】 PF》」


Leary's conversations so much. There was something proselytising about them.



'What's the joke?' asked Rebus.

'The one about the hard-up squid,' Holmes answered.

'The one with the moustache?'

Holmes nodded, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. 'And

Gervase the waiter. Brilliant, eh, sir?'



Two detectives were being told a joke by a third. The joke was about a squid with no money, a restaurant bill, and theguy from the kitchen who washed up. The guy from the kitchen was called Hans.


Glaswegian accent

'Yes, sir.' Kilpatrick's was a Glaswegian accent, managing to be deeply nasal even when reduced to a whisper, and managing, too, to be full of irony and a belief that Glasgow was the centre of the universe. Usually, Glaswegians somehow added to all this a ubiquitous chip on their shoulder, but Kilpatrick didn't seem the type.



Heart of Midlothian

Actually, not all Hibs fans were prone to tears. Siobhan Clarke supported Hibernian, which put her in a minority at St Leonard's. Being English-educated (another minority, much smaller) she didn't understand the finer points of Scottish bigotry, though one or two of her fellow officers had attempted to educate her. She wasn't Catholic, they explained patiently, so she should support Heart of Midlothian. Hibernian were the Catholic team. Look at their name, look at their green strip. They were Edinburgh's version of Glasgow Celtic, just as Hearts were like Glasgow Rangers.

'It's the same in England,' they'd tell her. 'Wherever you've got Catholics and Protestants in the same place.' Manchester had United (Catholic) and City (Protestant), Liverpool had Liverpool (Catholic) and Everton (Protestant). It only got complicated in London. London even had Jewish teams.




Fuck the Pope

But Rebus was studying the walls. There was a Hearts pennant above the bed, and a Union Jack flag on which the Red Hand of Ulster was centrally prominent, with above it the words 'No Surrender' and below it the letters FTP. Even Siobhan Clarke knew what those stood for.

'Fuck the Pope,' she murmured.


Orange Songs

She handed them silently to Rebus. They were collections of Orange songs, songs about the struggle in Ulster. Their titles said it all: The Sash and other Glories, King Billy's Marching Tunes, No Surrender.


この歌もインターネットで検索できます。→Traditional Songs of Ulster

horses’ mouths

At Drylaw police station, the day shift hadn't come on yet, which meant that he heard it from the horses' mouths, so to speak.


(straight [right]) from [out of] the horse's mouth 《口》 いちばん確かな筋から(直接に) 《馬の本当の年齢はその歯を見れば知られることから》.(リーダーズ・プラス)

英文の最後にso to speakと少し,この表現を使うのが恥ずかしい,という感じがあって,ほほえましいです。

Quod erat demonstrandum

'We'd know about it if there was. We're the best, we'd've spotted it before him. QED.'

'Quod erat demonstrandum.'

上証明終り, 以上をもって証明の結論とする (which was to be proved)(【略】 QED).(リーダーズ・プラス)


Clarke groaned. 'What have you got for me from our teuchter friends?'

'You mean the Orkneys. I don't think they'd appreciate being called teuchters.' She tried hard to pronounce the word, but being mostly English, she just failed.

'Remember,' said Rebus, 'teuch is Scots for tough. I don't think they'd mind me calling them tough.'

[時に T]((スコット)) スコットランド高地人, 北部のゲール人.2((広義))田舎者.(ジーニアス大英和)




He called himself Cuchullain.'


'A mythical warrior, Celtic I think.'

'And that was all he called himself?'

'That was all.'


in the know

Those in the know just called it the Hose; those not in the know would say, 'Shouldn't it be Horse?'




The opening fat-fry of snare drums, the lambeg pumping away, and then the flutes.

私の手元の辞書では未収録。インターネットでは,この太鼓が確認できます。→lambeg drum

486 chip

'That's got a twenty-five megahertz microprocessor,' Millie said, pointing to one of the brochures.

'What size memory?'

'Four meg RAM, I think, but you can select a hard disk up to one-sixty.'

'Does this one have a 486 chip?'
ウ〜ン,懐かしい。作品は94年の発表のようですから,今から8年前。Windows 3.1の時代。25メガの486チップというのはPentiumの前ですね。日本では日本電気の9801というコンピュータが全盛の頃で,98が25メガの時,IBMは75メガヘルツくらいのCPUを発表してびっくりしたことがあります。メモリは4メガ。私の記憶は64キロが出発です。それが128キロとか増えてきて。4メガは一太郎を使うために増設したメモリが2メガ。ハードディスクが160メガというのは結構な容量だったと思います。

Hal Ketchum

'And if you don't know Hal Ketchum,' the singer was saying,

'you better get to know him. This is one of his, it's called Small

Town Saturday Night.'

こんなふうに言われるとHal Ketchumという歌手を知らなければいけない感じです。


white as a sheet

It hit the driver's side door, shuddered, and was still. Rebus pulled open the van door and hauled out Jim Hay. He'd heard of people looking white as a sheet, white as a ghost, but Jim Hay looked whiter than that. Rebus held him upright.
