冒頭は上司LauderdaleとRebusによる犯人追跡のカーチェイス。時は冬の夜。前作の観光客ににぎわう夏とは対照的。エジンバラの冬の寒さが伝わってきそうなすべりだしです。96年出版のこの作では,娘のSammyがScottish Welfare for Ex-Prisoners( SWEEP)という服役囚をフォローする団体職員としてエジンバラに戻ってきます。第1作の恋人で,その後もちょいやくで登場してきたGillは今度は,負傷したLauderdaleに代わる直属の上司になります。ほとんどいい関係がなかったPatienceとは決定的な破局を向かえ。Rebusの天敵,Patienceの愛する猫LuckyはRebusの不注意で死亡。Rebusは禁煙をしていた時期もあったと思いますが,今はタバコもはなせません。それから,お酒はアル中に近い状態。中年の一人暮らしで,生活は退廃を極めている様子。
Chief Constable (DCC)でいることを決意したようです。
この本を読み終えてから,リーバス警部のDVDが日本でも発売されていることを知りました。4巻セットで,なぜか1巻が「黒と青」で,第4巻がMortal Causes「死の理由」。このタイトルにはちょっと異議があるのですが,それはともかく,それから,リーバス警部は「黒と青」が邦訳の最初だと思っていましたが,このLet it bleedも「血の流れるままに」というタイトルで出版されていることをおくらばせながらしりました。
"No sign of any
skag," she said, standing up and straightening her hair.
"I'll check beneath
the other bed," Holmes said.
「ヘロイン」 skag→scag(俗)→heroine
"So what I'm saying
is, you can go anywhere on the Internet, anywhere, and in the future it'll be
even bigger. You'll do your shopping by computer, you'll watch telly on it,
play games, listen to music. . . and everything will be there. I can talk to the
White House if I want. I can download stuff from all over the world. I sit
there at my desk and I can travel anywhere."
Next morning, Rico had
looked at his face in his bathroom mirror and seen that both tender cheeks now
boasted the Hearts badge, a maroon heart with a cross in the middle.
letters," Rico said in a voice like road salt, "M-something-R-something-O.
'On a desert island.' "He looked to Rebus.
There was a quarter of
Bacardi for emergency dispensation should he ever manage to drag a woman as far
as his bedroom. The thought of neat Bacardi repelled him only slightly more
than the thought of mixing it with anything.
He knew he'd had too much
when he polished off a can of Irn-Bru without realizing it was non-alcoholic.
"Be about two
minutes," she said, turning back into the kitchen. He didn't think she'd
really looked at him. "Go into the conservatory."
"Maybe you need some
communication skills yourself."
"He's as blunt as a
butt to the head," Patience said, bringing in the teapot.
"Of course you did.
A tight-fisted wee bastard like you wouldn't lend someone the steam from his
breath without there being a payoff."
It was a morning of heavy
haar; the sea mist floated across the city in a wet cloud from the coast.
like a wee abscess," the dentist was saying.
【名】膿瘍(のうよう), はれ物
During the day,
英国の哲学者・経済学者・歴史家;A Treatise of Human Nature 《人性論》(1739-40)(ジーニアス大英和)とありますが,スコットランド出身のようです。
"Haven't been here
in years," the man said. His voice had been Scots once, before the
inflections and elisions had been milked out of it.
Rebus's name had been
added in blue ink on a dotted line as had the date and time. There was no RSVP,
just an address: Ruthie Estate, Pertlishire, and a postcode. No telephone
Repondez s'il vous plaet. 折返し返事されたし
The man reminded Rebus of
Charles Laughton. He was rotund, with several chins, and had puffy, worried
eyes with blotched shiny skin.
Rebus chewed on his last
piece of bridie. "I'm beginning to think it didn't. Where's Siobhan, by
the way?"
Forfar Bridieというようです。
"I'll take a
malt," Rebus said.
"Strathspey, and no
"You're a
tyro," he said, "you need the practice. I'm sure we all missed a few
in the beginning."
I'll help you load your
"Generous to a
fault," said Davidson, picking up one of the bags.
to a faultで「あまりにも」ジーニアス大英和の《◆kind, generous など人の美徳について用いる》がこの説明にぴったり!
Some people said the
weather made the Scots: long dreary periods punctuated by short bursts of
enlightenment and cheer. There was almost certainly something to the theory.
まぁ,どこの人でもその土地の気候に影響されます。真夏に行ったエジンバラが雨が降っていて,長袖を着ても寒かったことを考えると,エジンバラの厳しい気候が,long dreary periodsということのようです。私はbursts of enlightenment and cheerの季節に訪れたのですが…
Dalgety didn't say
anything. "And then he bought you out."
"And then he bought
me out," Dalgety echoed.
"Is that the way it
"Fifty thousand
people in the industry, and it's growing. The Japanese come here because
productivity's so high-can you believe that?"
日本人の影がTooth & Nail以来登場します。Harakiriという単語も使われていたような…
"Not according to the files. Look, Inspector, I know what you're thinking, what you're trying to put together. But he didn't commit hara-kiri because of anything that happened to him in here.
"I wouldn't join you
if you were coming apart at the seams."
"The stories I
hear," Gunner said, "it's you that's been coming apart at the
これも後半のキーワード。「内部から崩壊する, 〈計画などが〉こわれる」の意味のようです。
His dark wool suit went
well with a cream-colored shirt and gray tie, knotted tightly at the throat. Every
inch the civil servant, Rebus thought. McAllister's voice was educated
"The Chief Super is
keeping tabs on Brian and me, and he keeps piling the work “
文字通りの「…を見張る, …に注意を払う.」という意味。これもキーワード。
"Good, we could do
with a few more men on the beat."
"Gosh," her
voice dripped irony, "I've not heard that one today. Anyway, there's one
on your desk, plugged in and ready to run."
(やや古略式))あら大変, えっ, おやまあ, うっそー《◆God の婉曲語で, 主に女性が用いる;軽いののしり・驚き・喜び・不快などの発声(ジーニアス大英和)とありますが,これはもう古いようです。これを発したのはエジンバラ育ちではない部下のシオバーン刑事。どうも,言葉も地元にはなじまないようです。