さらに勘違いをして,(というか,本によって,作品の並べ方を変える為…),6作目のMortal Causesを途中まで読んでから,5作目である本作に戻ったため,さらに時間がかかりました。やはり,推理小説は一気に読むべきで,一日数ページなどといったペースでは,登場人物の名前がさっぱり入ってきません。
今回は舞台はエジンバラ市内。Princes通りのHotelの5年前の焼失に関係します。(Waverley Stationの近くということで,唯一の繁華街です。
3作目から登場するBrian Holmsとはすっかりお友だち。それから,部下に女性Siobhan Clarke(Detective Constable刑事の巡査?)が加わります。警視正Farmer Watsonはさすがに2作目からのつきあいでよき理解者になっていますが,警部LauderdaleはRebusを妨害する役回り。
前作ではよき理解者だったPatienceとは同棲を始めますが,物語そうそうに追い出され,自分のアパートに逆戻り。ところが,このアパートは学生街に近いということで,学生たちに又貸し,Rebusは自分の部屋がない状態。さらに,第1作で麻薬販売で逮捕された弟のMichaelが釈放になって,一日中,ぶらぶらしながら同じアパートに居候。タイトルはBrianの捜査メモblack bookから来ているのですが,肝心のBrainは途中で危害を加えられ意識不明。図書館司書の奥さんには逃げられるし。
Double Indemnity | |
encephalitic | |
have a banana skin up your sleeve | Hibernian defeat |
lose the rag | |
save your bacon | |
theForth Rail Bridge | |
The telephone cord was
stretched taut, ready to garotte anyone
trying to use the toilets. Rebus bided his time, then began staring at the
wall-mounted telephone cradle.
She used a zimmer frame to walk back through the narrow musty
hall and into a small back room.
the hind legs off a donkey
'You must have been three
when we were last in
You could talk the hind legs off a donkey, but with such a
thick accent, I could hardly make out a word of it. Always wanting to tell a
joke or sing a song.'
wife could talk the hind legs off a donkey. 《口語》 私の妻はとめどなくしゃべり続けて他人に口をはさませない.
Earlier that afternoon,
Michael Rebus had lain along the couch asleep and unaware that he was missing
one of his favourite films, Double Indemnity, on BBC2.
With another Hibernian defeat behind her, Siobhan Clarke was
quiet on the way home, which suited Rebus.
It seemed a long way from
Rebusの生まれ故郷はFife。エジンバラからはそう遠くないのですが,田舎のようです。ここにわたる橋がthe Forth Rail Bridge。Fifaの町は結構重要な役割をするのですが,両親のお墓で出会った,幼馴染から,探している人物が見つかる,というのはちょっとお手軽な展開のような気がします。
I've been putting off
talking about it lest he become encephalitic.'
You understand, this is
entirely conjecture - usually your field of
When Rebus arrived, the 'convalescence' sign had been replaced with one
stating. 'Due to bereavement, this establishment has ceased trading.'
There'd been a long kiss
before parting, and half-promises of further trysts.
I know what you
Calvinists think. You think you're doomed from the start, so why not raise some
hell before you get there? But I'm talking about this life, not the next. Do
you want to live in Purgatory before you
have a banana skin up your
'John,' said Watson,
after motioning for Rebus to sit, 'how come you always seem to have a banana skin up your sleeve?'
banana skinは「バナナの皮で滑る」の類推で,「失敗する」といった意味があるようで,「ドジを踏むような材料を持っている」といった感じだと思われます。もっとも,この場面がわからないとそういうことには理解できないと思いますが…
It was a wonder one of
them didn't lose the rag and start screaming
about how they used to be the hunters, fierce and proud.
'There there, pet.' Oh
great, now his aunt had caught him talking to himself. She'd brought him a cup
of Ovaltine.
'This stuff's for
bedtime,' he told her. 'It's not even
Watson nodded. 'Quite a
mouthful, eh? But it might just save your bacon.'
'I'm vegetarian, sir,'
Rebus said. A statement which caused Watson to laugh very loudly indeed.
1) 〈人に〉本望を遂げさせる. (2) 〈人を〉危機から救う,命拾いさせる.