
Composer's Composition : R

Reinagle, Alexander (ライナグル, アレグザンダー)
England-USA / 1756.4.23 Portsmouth ~ 1809.9.21 Baltimore




    Robin Hood, or Sherwood Forest / 1794
    St Patrick's Day, or The Scheming Lieutenant / 1794
    La forêt noire / 1794
    The Spanish Barber, or The Fruitless Precaution / 1794
    Harlequin Shipwreck'd, or The Grateful Lion / 1795
    The Purse, or Benevolent Tar / 1795
    The Volunteers / 1795
    Auld Robin Gray, or Jamie's Return from America / 1795
    The Sicilian Romance, or The Apparition of the Cliffs / 1795
    Harlequin's Invasion / 1795
    The Warrior's Welcome Home / 1796
    The Witches of the Rocks, or Harlequin Everywhere / 1796
    The Lucky Escape, or The Ploughman Turned Sailor / 1796
    Columbus, or The Discovery of America / 1797
    The Savoyard, or The Repentant Seducer / 1797
    The Italian Monk / 1798
    The Arabs of the Desert, or Harlequin's Flight from Egypt / 1799
    The Constellation, or A Wreath for American Tars / 1799
    A Wreath for American Tars, or Huzza Again for the Constitution / 1800
    The Double Disguise / 1800
    Harlequin Freemason / 1800
    The Sailor's Daughter / 1804
    The Wife of Two Husbands / 1805
    Mary, Queen of Scots / 1806
    The Travellers, or Music's Fascination / 1807




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