
Composer's Composition : M

Martinů, Bohuslav Jan (マルティヌー,ボフスラフ)
Bohemia-USA / 1890.12.8 Policka ~ 1959.8.28 Liestal





    Voják a Tanečnice <The Soldier and the Dancer> (兵士と踊り子) / opera comique : 3 acts, H162 / 1928
    Slzy nože <Les Larmes du couteau> (ナイフの涙) / opera : 1 act, H169 / 1928 CD
    Tři Přánf <The Three Wishes> (三つの願い) / opera film : 3 acts, H176 / 1929 VD
    Le jour de bonté <Week of Kindness> (親切な週間) / opera : 3 acts, H194 / 1931 (unfinished)
    Hry o Marii <The Miracles of Our Lady> (聖母の奇跡) / cycle of 4 operas, H236 / 1935 CD
      - Panny moudré a panny pošetilé <The Wise and Foolish Virgins> (賢い処女と愚かな処女たち)
      - Mariken z Nimègue (ニメーグのマリケン)
      - Narození pánè <The Nativity> (キリストの降誕)
      - Sestra Paskalina <Sister Pascaline> (修道女パスカリーナ)
    Hlas Lesa <The voice of the Forest> (森の声) / radio opera : 1 act, H243 / 1935 CD
    Veselohra na mosté <Comedy on the Bridge> (橋の上の喜劇) / radio opera : 1 act, H247 / 1935 CD
    Divadlo za Bránou <Theatre Beyond the Gate> (郊外の劇場) / opera ballet : 3 acts, H251 / 1936
    Julietta (ジュリエッタ) / opera : 3 acts, H253 / 1937 CD
    Alexandre bis (アレクサンダーの繰り返し) / opera buffa : 1 act, H255 / 1937 CD
    Cim lidé zijí <What Men Live By> (何により人は生きるか) / radio opera : 1 act, H336 / 1952
    Ženitba <The Marriage> (結 婚) / opera comique : 2 acts, H341 / 1953 CD
    Plainte contre inconnu <Accusation against the Unknown> (無名への抗議) / opera : 3 acts, H344 / 1953 (unfinished)
    Mirandolina (ミランドリーナ) / opera comique : 3 acts, H346 / 1959 CD
    Ariane (アリアーヌ) / opera : 1 act, H370 / 1958 / 1961 VD
    Řecké Pašije <The Greek Passion> (ギリシャ受難劇) / opera : 4 acts, H372 / 1958 / 1961 LP




概 要


Own discs

作曲家別へ (to Composer)