
Composer's Composition : M

Macfarren, Sir George Alexander (マクファレン, ジョージ・アレクサンダー)
England / 1813.3.2 London ~ 1887.10.31 London




    The Prince of Modena / 1833
    Genevieve, or The Maid of Switzerland / 1834
    I and my Double / 1835
    Innocent Sins, or Peccadilloes / 1836
    El Malhechor / 1838
    Devil's Opera (悪魔のオペラ) / 1838
    Agnes Bernauer, the Maid of Augsburg / 1839
    Emblematical Tribute on the Queen's Marriage / 1840
    An Adventure of Don Quixote (ドン・キホーテの冒険) / 1846
    King Charles II / 1849
    Allan of Aberfeldy / 1850
    Robin Hood (ロビン・フット) / romantic opera : 3 acts / 1860 CD
    Freya's Gift / 1863
    Jessy Lea (ジェシー・リー) / 1863
    She Stoops to Conquer / 1864
    The Soldier's Legacy / 1864
    Helvellyn / 1864
    Kenilworth / 1880




概 要


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