Pierrot and Pierrette (ピエロとピエレット) / 1909
- The Stranger (見知らぬ人) / opera / 1924
The Cauldron of Annwyn (アンウィンの大釜) / music drama cycle - trilogy (三部作)
- Dylan, Son of Wave (ディラン) / drama, Op.53 / 1910
- The Children of Don (大物の子供たち) / drama, Op.56 / 1912
- Bronwen, Daughter of Llyr (ブロンウェン) / opera, Op.75 / 1920
The Enchanter (魅惑する者) / opera ballet, Op.70 / 1915
The Snob / opera / 1920
The Sailor's Arms / operetta / 1930
Tamlane / opera ballet / 1943