Signor Formica / operetta / 1910
The Witch of Brocken (ブロッケンの魔女) / operetta / 1912
Piccadilly mädel / operetta / 1913
The Bridge of the Gods (神々の橋) / opera / 1913
Roly-boly Eyes / musical / 1919
The Dumb Wife (馬鹿な女房) / chamber opera / 1923
Jack and the Beanstalk (ジャックと豆の木) / children's opera / 1931
The Emperor Jones (皇帝ジョーンズ) / opera : 1 act, op.36 / 1933
Queen Helen (女王ヘレン) / opera / 1936
Green Mansions (緑の邸宅) / radio opera / 1937
Helena's Husband (ヘレナの夫) / 1938
Volpone (ヴォルポーネ) / 1945
One Night of Cleopatra (クレオパトラの夜) /
The Delicate King (デリケートな王) / 1955
Antony and Cleopatra (アンソニーとクレオパトラ) / 1955 / 1961