The Martyr / opera : 2 acts / 1893
Nada / opera : 3 acts / 1898
- Zuluki / 1898
An African Kraal / opera : 1 act / 1903 / 1934
The Octoroon / opera : prologue & 4 acts / 1904
Valdo / opera : 1 act / 1906
The Tryst / opera : 1 act / 1911
The Prophecy / opera : 1 act / 1911
Voodoo / opera : 3 acts / 1914
The Plantation / opera : 3(4) acts / 1915
Athalia / opera : 3 acts / 1916
Vendetta / opera : 3 acts / 1923
American Romance / jazz opera / 1927
The Flapper / jazz grand opera ; 4 acts / 1928
Leah Kleschna / 1931
Uzziah / 1931
The Slave / 1932
- The Zulu King / 1934
- Nada, the Lily / 1944
- Allah / 1947