
Composer's Composition : E

Engländer, Ludwig (エングランデル, ルードヴィッヒ)
Austria-USA / 1853.10.20 Vienna ~ 1914.9.13 New York




    Der Prinzgemahl / operetta : 3 acts / 1883
    The Seven Ravens / romantic fairy tale : 4 acts / 1884
    Madeleine oder Die Rose der Champagne / comic operetta : 3 acts / 1888
    The Passing Show / musical revue : 3 acts / 1894
    A Daughter of the Revolution comic / comic opera / 1895
    The 20th Century Girl / comic opera : 3 acts / 1896
    The Caliph / comic opera : 3 acts / 1896
    Half a King / comic opera : 3 acts / 1896
    In Gayest Manhattan, or Around New York in Ninety Minutes / vaudeville : 1 act / 1897
    A Round of Pleasure / revue : 3 acts / 1897
    In Gay Paree / comic opera : 3 acts / 1899
    The Man in the Moon / comic opera : 3 acts / 1899
    The Rounders / vaudeville : 3 acts / 1899
    The Casino Girl / muscial comedy : 3 acts / 1900
    The Cadet Girl / musical comedy : 3 acts / 1900
    The Monks of Malabar / musical comedy : 3 acts / 1900
    The Belle of Bohemia / musical comedy : 3 acts / 1900
    The Strollers / musical comedy : prologue & 2 acts / 1901
    The New Yorkers / musical comedy : 2 acts / 1901
    Sally in Our Alley / musical comedy : 2 acts / 1902
    The Wild Rose / musical comedy : 2 acts / 1902
    The Jewel of Asia / musical comedy : 2 acts / 1903
    The Office Boy / comedy opera : 2 acts / 1903
    A Madcap Princess / comedy opera : 3 acts / 1904
    The Two Roses / comedy opera : 2 acts / 1904
    The Rich Mr. Hoggenheimer / musical comedy : 3 acts / 1906
    The Gay White Way / revue : 3 acts / 1907
    Miss Innocence / musical comedy : 2 acts / 1908
    Vielliebchen / operetta : 3 acts / 1911
    Kittys Ehemänner / operette : 1 act / 1912
    Madame Moselle / musical comedy : 3 acts / 1914




概 要


Own discs

作曲家別へ (to Composer)