
Composer's Composition : D

Davies, Sir Peter Maxwell (デイヴィス, ピーター・マクスウエル)
England / 1934.9.8 Salford ~ 2016.3.14 Orkney




    Notre Dame des fleurs / 1966
    Revelation and Fall / 1968
    Eight Songs for a Mad King / music-theatre / 1969 CD
    Vesalii Icones / 1969
    Taverner (タヴァナー) / opera : 2 acts / 1972 / 1983
    Blind Man's Buff / masque / 1972
    Miss Donnithorne's Maggot (ドニットホーン嬢の気まぐれ) / music-theatre / 1974 CD
    The Martyrdom of St.Magnus (聖マグナスの殉教) / chamber opera : 9 scenes / 1977
    The Two Fiddlers (二人のバイオリン弾き) / children's opera : 2 acts / 1978
    Le jongleur de Notre Dame / masque / 1978
    Cinderella (シンデレラ) / pantomime opera : 2 acts / 1980
    The Lighthouse (灯 台) / chamber opera : prologue & 1 act / 1980 CD
    The Medium / monodrama / 1981
    The No.11 Bus / music-theatre / 1984
    Resurrection (復 活) / opera : prologue & 1 act / 1988
    Redemption (償 還) / 1988
    Francis of Assisi (アッシジのフランシス) / chamber opera / 1990
    The Doctor of Myddfai / opera : 2 acts / 1996
    Mr. Emmet Takes a Walk / music-theatre / 1999
    Kommilitonen! / opera : 2 acts / 2011




概 要


Own discs

作曲家別へ (to Composer)
