In Memoriam... Kit Carson / 1963
The Wolfman Tape / 1964
That Morning Thing / opera : 4 parts /
4: Four Ways
1: Frogs / 1967
3: Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon / 1968
2: She Was A Visitor / 1967
Music with Roots in the Aether / tv opera ; 3 episodes / 1976
Title Withdrawn / tv opera / 1976
What She Thinks / tv opera / 1976
Perfect Lives (Private Parts) / tv opera : 7 parts / 1978-80
1: The Park
2: The Supermarket
3: The Bank
4: The Bar
5: The Living Room
6: The Church
7: The Backyard
The Lessons / tv opera / 1981
Atalanta (Acts of God) / tv opera : 3 episodes / 1982
Atalanta Strategy / tv opera / 1984
When Opportunity Knocks / 1985
My Brother Called / 1989
Now Eleanor's Idea / tetralogy /
1: Improvement (Don Leaves Linda) / 1985
2: eL/Aficionado / 1987
3: Now Eleanor's Idea / 1993
4 :Foreign Experiences / 1994
Balseros / opera : 4 acts / 1997
Your Money My Life Goodbye / opera / 1998
Dust / opera / 1998
Celestial Excursions (天上の旅) / opera / 2003
Concrete/The Old Man Lives In Concrete / opera / 2006-2012
Crash / 2013
Quicksand / 2011-15